Drool much?

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"Hey stranger!" A girl with flaming red hair called out to you.

"Ginny!" You grinned. Ginny pushed through the crowd at the 9¾ train station and hugged you. You buried your face in your friend's shoulder which smelled suspiciously like her mother's famous mince pies.

"I want to hear all about your summer on the train!" You shouted to her over the noise of families saying goodbye and students catching up with other students.

"You bet!" She laughed. "Let's go find Harry, Ron, and Hermione!"

As soon as you put your luggage in the train, you grabbed Ginny's hand and you both climbed onto the train.

Students were shuffling to get into their own compartments, as you and Ginny pushed past people to find a certain compartment. You reached an open door with a girl with frizzy brown hair, a red haired tall boy, and a boy with a lightning bolt scar on his head.

"Y/n!" Hermione cried, standing up to embrace you.

"It feels like it's been forever!" You smiled at her when she pulled away.

"Hi Y/n," The boy with the lightning bolt on his forehead waved at you from his seat.

"Hi Harry," You smirked.

You looked over at the red haired boy next to Harry.

"Hello Ron," You acknowledged him, with your hands on your hips.

"Y/n," He nodded in greetings, not bothering to wave or smile. You rolled your eyes playfully.

"Come, sit down," Hermione patted the seat next to her. "We have so much to catch up on!"

"Wait, I thought Y/n was going to sit with me," Ginny pouted as you sat down.

"Woah Ginny," You looked at her in mock disbelief. "I'm a fourth year now, I can't go hanging out with third years. My reputation will crash to the ground."

She looked at you, trying hard not to smile.

"You understand don't you?" You said with an exaggerated look of pity on your face.

"Come and visit though okay?" She grinned as she started to leave.

"Of course dahling," You said in a fake posh accent. "Ta ta now!"

Ginny stuck out her tongue at you as she walked into a different compartment and you fake fainted. You could still hear her laughter as she entered the compartment.

"So, Y/n," Hermione said, turning to you. "What did you do this summer?"

"Well," You started. "I flew to the moon on my broomstick, ate some toads, and snogged a couple witches of course."

As soon as you mentioned snogging and witches, Ron and Harry turned to look at you in a mixture of awe and disbelief.

"Really?" Ron asked, eyes wide.

"Of course not Ronald," Hermione scolded him. "She was kidding."

Hermione slowly turned to look at you.

"You were kidding right?" She mumbled.

"Oh my god Hermione!" You laughed, clutching your stomach. "Of course I am! I expected this from the boys, but not from you!"

"Well... I... you know..." Hermione stammered, blushing furiously. This only made you laugh even harder and almost fall off your seat.

"Well what did you really do this summer?" Harry asked, changing the subject.

"Oh the usual," You said, wiping the small tears off your eyes. "Practiced quidditch with my sister and her boyfriend. Harry we are going to crush Slytherin this year! My chaser skills are really good, not to brag. Oh and I got my first job!"

"What's it like?" Ron asked. "Is it a muggle job?"

"Yes Ron," You said. "It's at the same cafe my sister and her boyfriend work at and it's pretty cool. I mean we need the money because my parents are... you know..." You made a slicing noise while dragging your finger across your throat, indicating they were dead.

Loud silence filled the compartment.

"But it's okay guys," You smiled again. "It's just been hard these past 3 years making enough money for stuff, but we're doing fine."

"That's great," Hermione smiled sadly. "If you need anything-"

"Yeah I got it, you're here for me." You smirked. "I'm good. I really like that jumper by the way, Hermione."

"Oh thanks," She fidgeted at her colorful zip up sweater. "I like yours too."

"Thanks," You said, looking down at your dark red button one. "Anyways, I'm gonna go get some pumpkin pasties, you know my favorite, from the trolley, I'll be back."

"Okay bye," Hermione said, as you walked out.

You sighed. You had to leave that awkward situation. You walked up the train's hallway heading for Ginny's compartment, when you heard a familiar distinct voice coming from the compartment to your right. You thought it might be an appropriate time to say hello to your old friend Malfoy.

You opened the compartment doors to see the blond Draco Malfoy stop his conversation with his Slytherin friends, including his burly bodyguards (or at least that what you like to call them), Crabbe and Goyle.

"Sorry guys," You smiled leaning on the door. "I was ninety nine percent sure this was the bathroom because of the smell, but I guess not."

"The smell?" Draco sneered at you. "My father-"

"Yeah, yeah," You interrupted him and rolled your eyes. "My father will hear about this." You said, imitating Draco.

Draco looked at you with disgust, while Pansy Parkinson tried to hide her laugh in the corner.

"Oh yeah terribly funny, Pierce," Draco said, calling you by your last name.

"Nice suit by the way," You nodded at his black suit and turtleneck. "Very classy."

"At least it's better than your cheap muggle clothes." He said, smirking.

"Ouch Malfoy," You gestured to your red sweater. "But seriously how did you know I got this half off? What a deal, am I right?"

He glared at you.

"Fine, I know how much you want it," You grinned, and started to take off your sweater, revealing your black lace cami under it. "So here."

You threw the sweater at Malfoy, who grabbed it and didn't stop staring at your shirt... or rather, your chest.

"Gods Malfoy," You smiled slyly at him, modeling your new outfit. "Drool much?"

"I-" He started, as you left and walked back to your compartment.

All I Care About (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now