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Today is our last day in Tokyo, and thankfully I was able to get my phone back. Though, now that we're done with volleyball practice, we don't have much time until the buses are here. After that, we leave.

Anyways, I'm currently sitting on a bench outside of the gym with my luggage beside me. All I'm doing is scrolling through my many missed calls and texts from Oikawa and Iwaizumi, I'm kind of worried. I know it's strange seeing how Iwaizumi and I ended whatever strange relationship we had but still...

What if it was something important?

Though, I doubt it since all the calls and text were from earlier this week.

And besides, even if Iwaizumi was worried, I'm sure he has now set his mind on Yuki since I am out of the picture.


I went from talking about Oikawa and Iwaizumi to talking about Iwaizumi and Yuki...

"What does Yuki have to do with this?"

"Then stop focusing on the past and start focusing on me."   

 "What do you want us to be?"

"Why am I thinking about that conversation again? Me and Iwaizumi are over. He wants Yuki, even if he doesn't realize it himself."

"Oh. So that's the issue." A voice suddenly spoke from behind me.

I turn my head around to see Zoey and Hanami standing behind me with a smile on their face.

"Say Hanami. Are all couples this complicated?" Zoey asked the female next to her.

"I wouldn't know, besides, couples seem odd in a way." Hanami replied.

"What do you mean?" Zoey questioned.

"Well, I mean... Ah! I know! Couples are supposed to have this 'give and take' kind of relationship, right? But, the relationship wouldn't work if only one person is giving, and one person is taking."

Me and Zoey both gave Hanami a quizzical look.

"Hmm, how do I put this? Okay! Let's say I have one appl-"

"What are we, kids?" Zoey interrupted the other female. "Give it to us straight."

"Fine." Hanami sighed. "In my opinion, couples are the most annoying, selfish, obnoxious, and idiotic things on the planet."


"Think about it. Most couples want to keep their lover all to themselves, that's why they get jealous. Most couples seem to think they are better than other couples, that's why they show off. Most couples can't see things from both perspectives, and that's why they break up. If only one person is trying to save a dying relationship, then that one person will die with the relationship."

"Oh... It kind of makes sense now." Zoey mumbled. "So what if their relationship is already dead?"

"Huh? That's simple. Try again." Hanami says with a blank stare. "I know that some relationships can't be fixed or, some relationships shouldn't be relieved, but... If you know what you did wrong, and they know what they did wrong, I see nothing wrong with restarting. Better yet, start from the very beginning."

"Girls! We're about to leave!" The coaches call out to us as I head to my team's bus.

Start from the very beginning...

That doesn't assure anything though. What if Iwaizumi still likes Yuki?

I let out a sigh and take a seat in the back, and of course, I didn't look where I was sitting and ended up taking a seat next to Kimi. How delightful...

"I heard you and Iwaizumi are still having that petty argument." Kimi said in a sarcastic tone.

"Is that so?" I say half-heartedly since I wasn't even paying attention to her words. Right now I was deciding on something important.

Once everyone was on the bus, we took off and began our trip back to Miyagi.

With my finger on Iwaizumi's contact list, I was deciding whether or not I should text him. But you know, in a completely friendly way!

That doesn't make sense. Me and Iwaizumi aren't even friends any more...

But still, he wants Yuki.

And Yuki wants him.

"What about you?" I hear Yua ask in the background.

"I want him." I mumble.

"Is that so?" Yua says and I snap out of my thoughts. "I was just asking what you thought about the trip but it seems your mind it on someth- no rather, someone else." She says with a smirk.

"Hey Kiyomi!" Sara shouts. "I hate everything that is going on right now, so let me make this simple. There is nothing wrong with being selfish, especially when something belonged to you in the first place."

It was as if those words clicked inside my head causing a small smile to form on my face as I tapped on my text with Iwaizumi.


Meet me at the Sakura tree tomorrow 


I want to talk.


Sorry for the short chapter, I really was having a hard time writing this.

Also, I hope my words about relationships made sense since I got some advice from my friends who have been in relationships. (My single self could never😞)

Till Next Time, 


𝑻𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 (𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒌𝒚𝒖𝒖 𝒙 𝑶𝑪)Where stories live. Discover now