Part 3.

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Present Day

It's been a week since I saw the little girl. Even though that particular event shook me up quite a bit, I continued moving on with life as if it never happened, because, in the end, it's what I've been doing for the past two years.

Work was uneventful, as well as life at home. Jo's life, on the other hand, got interesting after he found someone. Jo said he's respectful, funny, and to top all of that, he's easy-going. They've gone on one date so far, but you can already tell that Jo likes him. I haven't met him yet, but I'm eager to. From what Jo has said, he appears to be incredible, but since emotion can cloud your judgment, you never know.

After work, I go to the park to take a walk. The park's in San Francisco are quite enjoyable, with pathways to take walks and ride bikes, benches, and trees to keep the green scenario. I take a short walk until I find the perfect seat under a tree, which is facing the sun.

I sit there for a while and think back to last week when I read the letter. I don't have a good memory, automatically meaning I can forget the smallest details. But something I am sure about is that I'll never fail to remember that day.


I am shocked beyond belief, no words come out of my mouth, and I'm sure my face is as pale as snow. I sit down on the stool to re-read the letter, over and over again. It's not until after the fourth time I read it that I scent the smell of blood.

Following it around the house, I see a body. The body belongs to the man I have known since I was born. He has seen my ups and downs and has shown nothing but support after I came out of the closet. The body belongs to nonother then my father.

I stare at him, noticing how emotionless he is, how the office lights reflect on his pale and cold skin. I don't know how long I stand there. I only snap out of it when I hear voices at my front door, ringing the doorbell. Before going to answer it, I close the office door.

Opening the front door, I notice my dad's pack standing there, and I freeze. How do I tell them their alpha is dead? How do I explain to them that it wasn't me? I have never wanted to be alpha once in my life. I never thought I would end up in a situation like this. The evidence against me is compelling, so and even the biggest fool of our pack would think I killed the alpha. Before I take any longer, I open a forced smile at the people I call my family.

Present Day

Well, that memory brought back some feelings which I was not ready to face. I think, succeeding with a small chuckle.

As much as I had a lot of bad luck in my life, thinking positively, I've had a lot of good luck too. One of the few blessings is Jo. He has been with me through thick and thin, going to the extreme of moving from our small town to a big city for me. Friends like that you can never find easily, so once finding one, never let them go, or else you'll live to regret it every day.

Getting up from under the tree, I start walking back to Jo and I's apartment. Getting to my apartment and opening the door, I notice there's no one home. Reaching the kitchen, I observe a note on the fridge. 'Well, this feels familiar,' I think. Taking it in my hand, it reads:

"Going on a date with him will be back by 11, I think. There's food in the fridge, enjoy.

Love, Jo"

In the fridge, there's the leftover pasta that's a day or two old. I heat in the microwave and sit down at the table and start eating. Taking my phone out of my back pocket and unlocking it, I scroll over my Twitter feed finding nothing interesting. So I open Instagram, to also find nothing that catches my eye. So I settle for Netflix and watch Modern Family.

After binge-watching a few more episodes, I put the dishes in the sink and take a nice warm shower. I would usually prefer cold ones since they weirdly relax me, but I'm feeling fancy today. Leaving my bath, I dress some comfortable pajamas and lay down on the couch, conflicting whether or not to continue watching Netflix or try and finish my book. Choosing the latter, I go to my room, pick it up from the shelf, and read out loud, "Game of Thrones, The World of Ice and Fire." It's a great read. It's the prequel book of the series "Game of Thrones." Closing the door, sitting down on my bed, I read for a while until hearing the door unlock, so I shut the book, and when reaching for my doorknob, I hear a few "shush's" and smirk.

'Jo brought home his date.' I think, already coming up with an evil plan to mess with them because I will not miss this perfect opportunity. So I turn off my room lights, mess up my hair, and prepare to pretend I'm sleepwalking.

Opening the door, I come face to face with the horrifying expression of Jo and his date. They look like deers caught in headlights, so holding back a laugh, I continue with my act.

I approach Jo's date and hug him, mumbling, "Hey Jo, didn't realize you were back so soon" into his chest. They both look at each other with confused expressions and then look at me. Shrugging their shoulders, he lets me hug him. I take a step back and pretend to be surprised that I wasn't hugging Jo.

"Woah, I'm sorry! I didn't realize that Jo brought someone home." I say, smirking, averting my eyes to Jo for a quick second. He's blushing so hard right now it's hilarious.

"No, It's okay. I'm Robert, by the way." He says with a gentle smile on his lips, extending his hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Robert. I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess." I respond, reaching out and shaking his hand.

"I'll leave you guys to do what you were doing," I say, winking, heading into my room laughing.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, had quite some fun reading it.

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