✨ Chapter 1 ✨

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[My eyes widened. No...that can't be true! My ears are deceiving me. They have to be. Is this a mistake?]

{y/n - your first name
l/n - your last name
f/n - your friend's name}

(PS I have no idea what the girls' team coach looks like so he's gonna be a tall scary dude who's actually the sweetest ever LMAO)

I am jolted awake at the unfamilier sound of my alarm clock, alerting me that its time to get ready for school. It feels like its been forever sense I've had to roll myself out of bed without waking up first. After laying down for a few more seconds I can no longer bear the screeching of my alarm, and I toss both legs over the side of my bed. After hopping up, I drag my feet over to my dresser and slam my hand down on the clock to shut it off. A loud bam!! scares me half to death. Gosh, I guess I don't know my own strength. Well, that's what a whole summer's worth of spiking practice will do to ya. But the spiking isn't where I get it real big. Recieving is where its at. Bragging isn't really my thing, but I can receive almost any ball you throw in my direction. Or any direction, really. I reach over and flick on the light switch. "Ughhhhh.." I whine as I rub my eyes. "So damn bright.." I force myself over to the other side of my dresser and throw an outfit on the floor. Anything will do. I put on a black t-shirt with a red rose in the top right corner and a pair of light blue skinny jeans. Now that I'm a little more alive, I walk out of my room and into the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair. I grab a hair tie and put my shoulder length hair in a messy ponytail. I don't bother messing around with makeup, my acne is pretty much clear now anyway. 
I arrive at school, and start making my way up the path to the huge front door, with kids flooding in from all directions. Then I am scared to death for the second time this morning by my friend f/n. Placing one hand on each of my  shoulders, she leaps up and shouts "HI Y/N!!!!!" I quickly turn around to greet her. "Oh, hi f/n." She gives me a concerned look. "Whats wrong?" I blink a couple times before replying. "Oh uhm, I was just up late last night." "Y/n" she says, in a serious tone. I have no choice but to give in. "Alright, alright. So maybe I'm a little nervous for volleyball today. The principal sent an email to all the first years applying to the girls' volleyball team that there are more than usual this year. They can't just tell people they can't join, but most people won't be able to play. If I'm going to be in it, I wanna be in it to win it, y'know?" F/n thinks for a moment. "Well, you're literally like the best player I've ever met. There's no way in hell they won't let you play!" She gives me a big, confident grin. I give a small, weaker one back. 'We'll see about that.' I thought.
The school day is finally over. "That was exhausting..." I mutter to myself. "Hell yeah it was!" says a voice from over my shoulder. Oh, its f/n again. Never ceases to be by my side without me noticing. "When did you get there?" I say with a small chuckle. F/n giggles. "Just a second ago!" So much positive energy. How does she do it on such a scary day like the first day of high school? "I've gotta get to show choir. Catcha later y/n!!" F/n says with a wide smile. I smile back and wave her off, swinging my bag over my shoulder. Oh God, here we go. Off to volleyball. I walk quickly down the hallways to the gym. I wouldn't have known where it was if it wasn't for the swarm of girls headed in the same direction. The majority of them were already wearing their gym uniforms. I still need to get mine put on. I rush into the locker room and throw on my p.e. outift, straightening my hair while I'm at it. I grab my bag and race to the gymnasium. I take a seat on the bleachers with the other girls. Gosh, some of them are really pretty... No! Pay attention. The coach is coming. He's carrying a small black binder in his right hand and a bottle of what I am assuming to be water in the other. The closer he gets, the taller I notice him to be. 'This guy is huge!' He has to be at least 6'3. Scary. The coach looks at us with serious eyes. "Hello~!" He says with a big smile and a warm expression. Well, that's quite a transition. "I'm the coach of the Karasuno Girls' Volleyball Team! Here in this binder I have the players selected for our starting line up. Of course, this is based off your skill analysis test last summer and anybody who is in this room is welcome to practice with us!~" He sounds so sing-songy for somebody explaining something that could ruin somebody's entire school year. He starts listing off names. A few of them I recognize from my classes, but most are unknown. I grow more anxious every passing second. More and more names pass by, none of them my own. Then they stop. My eyes widened. No...that can't be true! My ears are deceiving me. They have to be. Is this a mistake? Who could have beat me to the libero position? Well, if they did better than me then they deserve the spot. I don't have the right to be angry, but I can't help being sad. How will f/n react? What am I gonna do with myself this year? Sure. I could stay and practice. But I want to play on the court. I want to feel the ball bounce up from the center of my intertwined fingers and back into the air. I want to hear the smack of the ball hitting my arms. I want victory. But victory doesn't come to losers.

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