✨ Chapter 3 ✨

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[I wipe away a tear that is forming in my eye. "No, no crying. Its not a big deal. Nobody cares, y/n." I turn on my favorite anime and try to forget about everything.]

{y/n - your name                                                                                                                                                                     l/n - your last name                                                                                                                                                               f/n - your friend's name}

(PS the mom is me >:3 I am supportive of my children)

I reach the front door of my home. I turn the knob slowly and walk in, hoping that father isn't home today. To my luck, I see mom sitting in a chair at the counter. She is sipping a glass of milk and reading a book titled 'Dear Evan Hansen'. Her favorite book. I hope she won't cry this time. "Hey mom." I say after closing the door and walking up to her. She sticks a bookmark in her story and turns her attention to me. "Hey y/n! How was your first day? What position did you get? Are the kids nice? Any special boys or girls catch your eye??" I blush at that last question. Mom has always been supportive of me, maybe even a little too supportive. Well, she's pan so that makes sense. My father doesn't feel the same way though. When I came out to him he hit me. Then mom came out as well to defend me, thinking father would change his mind. Instead, he hit her as well. She broke up with him after that, thankfully. Now we are just waiting for the legal papers to arrive. She even filed a restraining order. I don't know what I would do without her here. "Woah, mom chill! The first day was...okay. My position is non-existent, the kids are normal, and no-" I turn to see Mom's mouth hanging agape. "What do you mean non-existent??" She asks. I set my bag on the couch. "I didn't get in." I reply, with a grim face. As soon as I walk back to her she leans forward and wraps her hands around me. "I'm sorry sweetie. Maybe we can find a place around here where you can join a separate team? I can sign you up for one." I slightly smile. "It's fine, Mom." She squeezes me tighter. "Uh, Mom. I can't breath." She lets go. "Well, tell me what else happened today. And who those boys were who walked home with you." My mom grins and I slightly blush. "Uh, they're just some boys I don't really know. They thought it was dangerous for me to walk alone." My mom looks delighted. "Oh, how sweet! So which one of them is the lucky guy?" She smirks. I blush for the quadrillionth time. "Mom, its the first day why would I have a boyfriend already?" "I saw you blushing when you came inside. I know you like one of them. Tell me who! Was it the bald guy or spiky hair? Or one of the other ones?" "...Mom, how do you even know what they look like?" I question. She points to a window that looks out to the sidewalk. "Window." She states with a grin. "Ma, that's kinda creepy." She rolls her eyes. "Whatever! Just tell me." Omg. Please chill Mom. "I don't have a crush on any of them. I just met them." Mom sticks her tongue out. "Oh, alright. Anything else exciting?" I walk to the pantry to get a snack. "Not much." I pull out a pack of crackers. "I'm gonna go watch some anime now." I say, walking back to the couch to grab my bag. "What about homework?" Mom asks. "It's the first day, Ma." I say with a laugh. She turns back to her book to start reading again. "Alright, whatever. See ya." She says in a monotone voice. "Stop making me feel bad for going to my own room!" I say, laughing. I make my way upstairs and through the hallway. When I get to my door I pull it open and shut it behind me. I toss my bag on the floor and flop on the bed. I sigh, reflecting on the volleyball situation. Maybe it was a mistake. I can't hope for that, though. I grab the remote to turn on the TV. Volleyball was all I was looking forward to this year. Academics are easy for me. Where's the fun gonna be? I don't want to sit in the corner of the gym while the others play. I want to be involved. I wipe away a tear that is forming in my eye. "No, no crying. Its not a big deal. Nobody cares, y/n." I turn on my favorite anime and try to forget about everything.

I open my eyes slightly before tightly shutting them again. "Huh...?" I mutter. I lay there for a minute before pushing myself up with my arms. I notice that I'm under my favorite blanket. I don't remember having it on me though. Once my eyes are completely open I see that my TV has been turned off along with my ceiling light. My window is lighting up the room enough for me to see a sticky note on my nightstand that reads 'Come downstairs for dinner when you wake up. Love you~ -Mom <3' How long was I asleep for? My school bag lays right next to my bed, so I reach over and grab it. I rummage through it until I find my phone. I turn it on and the screen blinds me. '7:43 pm' Oh shit. I've been asleep for over 3 hours. I toss my phone on my pillow and spring to my feet. I make my way downstairs and into the living room. Mom is sitting on the couch watching 'Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.' "AHA!!" I yell. Mom jumps. "Eh?!" She asks. "You watch anime too!!" I say back. She chuckles. "You caught me. This one is a classic." she says with a smile. "We'll have to watch it together some time." I reply. Mom pauses the TV. "Well, since you're finally up, have some pizza." I gasp and look to the kitchen. Mom bought my favorite pizza! "You're the best mom." I say, walking over to grab a slice. "I know." she replies. I put the pizza on a plate and pop it in the microwave. "So, what other anime do you watch?" I ask. Mom smiles. "Well, I watch a lot. My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, Death Note, Hetalia, Attack on Titan-" "AND YOU'VE BEEN KEEPING THIS FROM ME FOR HOW LONG??" I yell. "Hmm...your whole life?" Now it's my turn to be staring with my mouth agape. "Are you serious??" I ask in shock. "Yep. I was waiting to surprise you with it. I guess that happened just now." she replies with a sneaky smile. The microwave beeps and I get my pizza out. "It's official. We're gonna watch anime together from now on." I reply. "Alright!" I  walk into the living room and sit down on the couch next to mom. "Let's watch the one you were watching." I say. "Okay!" Mom says happily. "This was your grandpa's favorite. Well, the original was. This one is a remake that came out right before he passed away so he might not have seen it." she adds with a melancholy smile. I smile back. "I didn't know grampa watched anime." Mom laughs. "He loved it. I wish we could've watched some together." I look at mom, who still has a smile on her face. I lean my head on her shoulder. "Yeah." I reply.

Hey! This chapter was basically a filler. I didn't want a timeskip to the next day so I just wrote this instead. I hope you enjoyed some motherly love, because I am your new mother. Love y'all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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