✨ Chapter 2 ✨

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[I look down, messing with my clothes a bit. "Actually I..uh, I didn't make it in this year."]

Y/n - Your name
L/n Your last name
F/n Your friend's name

(So uhm I kinda forgot about how Noya wasn't at the club at first because of the whole Asahi thing. So yeah he's just gonna be there now.)

I sit still in shock while I watch the girls who's names were called make their way out of the bleachers and to the gym floor. There is some small chatter going on between the ones who remained seated. I stayed silent, staring at my hands in disbelief. These hands have failed me. I should've done better. I didn't even show off my greatest move! I haven't come up with a name for it yet, and I didn't want to sound awkward when they asked what it was called. Ugh, I'm such a worry wart. Why do I even bother sometimes? I close my eyes tight and tilt my head back, trying to hold back the floodgates that are tempted to break. I clench my hands into fists tightly until I feel my knuckles turning white. Before I can stop it, a tear rolls down my cheek. Shit.. I hang my head in my hands and let out silent sobs. Nobody even notices.

I turn on my phone. 5:30 pm. I can hear the other kids who stayed behind for extra curriculars chatting with friends and laughing loudly. I let out a sigh and slide my phone back in my pocket. Its warm outside, about 25 degrees Celsius, but I keep my jacket on and hug it tightly. This does nothing to help the painful feeling, and makes sweat drip down my back. I lift my eyes from the ground in hopes to find cheerful faces. I'm not disappointed. Big smiles and bright eyes shine all around me. It almost makes ME smile just looking at them. I'm glad they get to have fun. I can't help being jealous, though.

I notice a rather short boy walking not too far in front of me. Compared to the other students around him, he really sticks out. Dark brown hair sticking almost straight up and a rather fit structure for someone so small. Walking along side him are some students of average height with pretty normal hair styles, not counting one of them with a shaved head. I wonder what activity they came from.

The boy with the dark hair must have noticed me staring at him. Shit! He turned around and looked at me. "Hey Tanaka, look! Its a pretty girl!" He shouts loudly. I slightly blush. He and the shaved head boy, who must be Tanaka, run over to me. I tense up a bit. "Uhm..hello." I stutter. "Hey!!" says the small, overly excited boy. Tanaka looks me all around me and asks "Why are you walking alone? Did your friends leave you here? I'll beat them up!" I attempt to stifle a laugh, failing a bit. "I..haha..no its fine." I look up from my feet to notice that the dark haired boy has a small tuft of hair at the very front of his face that is bleached blonde. 'Peanut butter hair...' I thought to myself. When they haven't said anything back, I continue. "I'm just the only one of my friends who tried out for volleyball." Peanut butter hair's face lights up. "VOLLEYBALL?" he shouts. I wince a little bit from the volume. "Y..yeah-" With a smug expression,, Tanaka interrupts. "We do volleyball too." Wow, what a coincidence. I open my mouth to speak, but I am once again interrupted. A plain looking student from their group up ahead yells, "Nishinoya! Tanaka! Are you done flirting with her yet?" 'Nishinoya..' I thought. That must be peanut butter hair's name. Nishinoya, ignoring the other student, turns back to me. "Why don't you come walk with us?" he asks. "Oh, uhm..I dont want to be a bother. Its fine, really." Nishinoya makes a disappointed face. "What if some city boy tries to hurt you?!?!" yells Tanaka. Well, I guess they won't be having it. "Alright, alright." Nishinoya grabs my hand and runs very quickly to the rest of the group. I blush, but keep up easily.

When we arrive up by Nishinoya and Tanaka's friends, Nishinoya looks at me. "You're fast! What position so you play?" he asks. "Oh, uh..in middle school I was the libero." I say quietly. Everyone turns to me, even the two boys who were quietly eating meat buns. "Oh no.." says the boy from before. Oh no what? I turn to face Noya, who looks like he's about to bust open with happiness. "I'M THE LIBERO TOO!!!" He yells. I wince again from the loudness, but I give a small smile back. "Awesome." He thinks for a second. "Wait, you said in middle school. Aren't you the libero now too?" I look down, messing with my clothes a bit. "Actually I..uh, I didn't make it in this year." I mutter. "WHHHAAAAATTTT??" Nishinoya and Tanaka scream in unison. I feel stares from other friend groups. "Yeah, its fine though. If they were better than me then they deserve the spot." Nishinoya looks at me empathetically, and we walk in silence until I stop. "This your place?" asks Tanaka. "Yep" I reply. Nishinoya turns towards me. "I have an idea. What's your name?" He asks me. "Oh, sorry. My name is l/n y/n." He smiles widely. "Well, y/n-kun, I'll see you tomorrow!" Y/n-kun. He sees me as a friend and not just some kohai he bumped into. "R-right. Bye Nishinoya-senpai." He blushes slightly and looks very excited. The plain looking student pops in and says "He loves being called senpai. So does the other crazy one. I don't really mind it. I'm Ennoshita, by the way." He says with a neutral smile. "Okay. Bye Ennoshita-san. Bye Tanaka-senpai." Tanaka smiles almost devilishly. "Bye beautiful." I laugh almost too loudly. Nishinoya-senpai looks at me. "Yeah, cya later, sexy!!" My face flushes. "Uh..yeah, bye!" I head up my driveway and to the front door. "Well, that was different."

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