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"Hello? Mikey you in there?" I banged on the door again and just as i was about to yell out his name a young guy answered the door.
"Im guessing youre ally right?" I slowly nodded. I clearly hadnt got the wrong room if he knew who i was. He fumbled around in the small cabinet next to the door then handed me two things. One was an envelope and the other was a piece of paper that had been folded "im sorry. Your brother left earlier. I got an emergency booking. But as he left he gave me that"
"Okay. Thank you" he nodded
"Do you need me to walk you back to your room or are you okay"
"Uh ive got a boyfriend" i said defensively
"Hey i didnt mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Are you going to be okay?"
"Uh yeah i think so. Im just down the hall."
"Okay. I hope everything works out. Oh and congratulations" he pointed to my bump and i smiled
"Thanks. Sorry i disturbed you."
"Its okay. I just hope you and your brother work things out"
"Did he tell you i was his sister?"
"Yeah. Why is that wrong?"
"No. Not at all. Its right."
"Okay well enjoy your night." He said brightly before closing the hotel door. I took the stuff back to teddys room and knocked on the door
"Can i come in?" Soon enough he unlocked the door and i handed him the note as i walked through
"Whats this?"
"Note from mikey. Read it out."
"Whyd he leav-"
"Just read it out."
"Okay okay." He unfolded the paper "Im so fucking sorry that i had to leave without saying goodbye. I had a work thing and you know how much this job means to me. Here is your card and i hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. Love you. Mikey" he clenched his fist with his other hand wrinkling the paper he had hold of "oh and how nice of him to put a fucking kiss" he said sarcastically. I just stared blankly at him from where id take seat on the bed and his demeanor changed when he noticed "you alright?"
"I want to go home." I said quietly. He didnt hear me and sat down next to me so he could hear me better
"Home. I want to go home."
"Well ill book a flight out for us soon okay?"
"No. Dont do that. I dont really wanna go. I guess i just dont want to be here. I dont fucking know how to feel."
"Whats this?" He asked pointing to the envelope
"Card. Open it if you want" i handed it to him and he pulled it out of the envelope
"Look" he prompted showing me the card. It was simple but what stood out the most was what it said "happy birthday to my favourite sister" adam read out
"So what?" I took it from his hands and tore it in half "he wants to leave for his fucking job then let him." I spat before getting up and walking out. I didnt get very far before being stopped by tom
"Whats going on"
"Just let me pass!" I whined trying to slip past him but he managed to get in my way
"No way. You look upset and im not letting you walk past me like that"
"Fine come with me i dont really care." He moved out of the way so i could get past but he soon followed me
"Is this about mikey?" Tom said and i stopped dead in my tracks. I turned to him
"Fuck mikey and fuck his stupid shitty job!" I shouted but tom didnt even flinch. He instead walked over to me and pulled me into a hug "get off me!" I protested
"No." I started throwing punches to his sides but he stood strong. I punched and punched eventually starting to cry "you done yet?" Tom asked as my force got weaker
"No let go!" I protested but at this point it was just fear of backing down. I dropped my arms and let him pull me into his body
"There we go" he said softly "you still wanna go for that walk?" I nodded "cmon. Lets go."

We ended up back on the beach. We were both sat face to face with a little distance between us that had a campfire
"Dom doesnt know. I cant tell him because he will be so pissed off at mikey"
"Are you mad at him?"
"Kind of. Maybe im just mad that its not about me. I dont know."
"Read this" i turned round and saw adam with dom "i had to tell him but thats not important. Read this." I took the two pieces of card from him and pieced them together on the sand
"I dont wanna read it"
"Well at least try"
"I cant teddy its not that simple." I argued "he left and you all expect me to just get it but i cant. I dont understand why" adam sat down next to tom
"Hey. Look ill read it." Dom said sitting down beside me. He shuffled the two pieces over and read aloud what it said "To ally, i hope you have the best 22nd birthday ever. It might not have gone to plan but im so glad you got to spend it with us. I know me being on tour sucks but i promise you im gonna spoil you and the baby this christmas. Youve been a big part of my life for a while and i hope you didnt forget that while i was gone. I missed you loads and i hope you can keep that bracelet forever to keep us all with you. Im sorry i left you to go to LA but i know you understand. Cant wait to give you a cuddle when i see you. I love you.
Love from your big brother mikey"
"You alright?" Tom asked. I nodded
"Fuck him and his stupid card. And his letter. And his fucking job. You all left me. First teddy then dom then you tom. All of you. What did i do that was so terribly fucking wrong eh?" None of them spoke. Not even a small sound came from any of them and dom slowly inched himself away from me a little "Im going home"
"The house is empty and you have no mone-"
"No dominic. Home. Doncaster."
"So youre leaving me? Were engaged for fucks sakes! Why would you decide now you wanna leave me when i fucking proposed!' He grabbed my hand "see that right there thats i ring that i put on your finger!"
"Dom youre scaring her" tom said
"I dont fucking care! Shes choosing right fucking now to leave! Tryna say i dont love ya? Tryna say i dont fucking care!"
"Dom" tom warned but he ignored him
"Why did i even think that youd love me? Why would someone love me? Because clearly you fucking-"
"Dominic fucking harrison get away from the girl now or im gonna fucking kill you!" Tom shouted standing over dom
"Go the fuck inside now!"
"Tom im-"
"You wanna argue with me? You wanna argue with me right fucking now?" Dom scrambled up shaking his head frantically. Tom didnt let up and got right in his face "Go back to that hotel room right fucking now"
"Tom dont hurt him" i said weakly.
"Im not gonna" he said softly "see" he stepped away and held his hands up "now go" dom ran back inside white as a ghost "are you staying adam?" He said calmly which relaxed me a little
"Im gonna go in too." He stood up "Ill leave you with tom." He said to me "i trust him." Tom patted his back lightly and he too walked off inside with dom. Tom held both hands out for me
"Come here" he said softly. Almost vulnerable despite threatening dom before. I took them and he pulled me up and into a tight hug "Youre not going back to donny okay. We are gonna stay and enjoy this holiday." He sighed "I love you. Dont fucking forget that alright? Ever. Promise me you wont" this beought tears to my eyes
"I promise" he kissed the top of my head gently
"Cmon. Lets go for a walk. Clear our heads"
"Okay." But i didnt loosen my grip "little longer. Just till i stop crying."
"Alright. A little longer then"

We ended up walking until early morning when the sun was coming up.
"My legs are hurtin maybe we should go in" tom said
"No. Lets watch the sunrise." He squeezed my hand he hadnt let go of since he pulled me up from the sand earlier
"Fine but can we at least sit down?"
"Yeah cmon." I dragged him over to a small rock and sat down pulling him with me "I really appreciate you staying with me."
"More than fucking mikey did" he clenched his fist bit soon relaxed when i put my hand gently over it
"Dont get mad at him. Hes chasing his dream. The dream that we couldnt give him. Not now anyway with a little peanut in me."
"But he didnt say goodbye. He left ya just like that. How could anyone do that?"
"Tom really?" I looked him in the eye "I know we dont bring this up but you left me too. And that wasnt for a job or anything. So just calm down and leave him alone" he let go of my hand and shuffled over a little "tom dont be like that"
"Like what? Im just moving"
"Tom stop it. Im sorry to bring it up buts its just not fair being mad at him for something youve done." He didnt say anything and just stared at the sunset "Tom im sorry" I didnt get an answer so i stood up walking behind him. I let my legs sit either side of his body as i sat down and wrapped my arms around him from behind.
"What are you doing?"
"Hugging you." I responded "Is that okay with you?" He didnt say anything but didnt push me away either so i just rested my head on his back gently "This isnt just about mikey is it?"
"Me and jess split up and then seeing you like that just hurt me more. Then dom going off and shouting like that just made it all worse."
"Yknow you can talk to me about your problems. Trust me ive had enough of my own to help you with yours"
"I dont wanna talk about this right now"
"Okay" i said softly just managing to peep over his shoulder and watch the sunrise.
"Yknow that stuff you said the other day. About us making you feel like you had a reason to live. Did you mean that?"
"Yeah. I love ya. All of you made me see the good after i just had a shit time. Made me being pregnant not seem bad."
"Im happy we made you feel like that"
"Yknow usually id tell you to say we but i guess you can take credit. Just in this moment" he chuckled softly "But dont get like that again. Thats the scariest youve ever been. Dom shit himself"
"I cant promise anything"
"Ill take that" i looked at the pretty sky before us "cmon. Lets go inside. Adams probably gonna be worried"
"I actually came out to find you guys. Been out all night and didnt want to tread on toms toes but i got worried." He walked over and sat down dangling his own legs off the edge. I turned my head sideways and rested the side of my face on toms back to face teddy
"I got you both a drink" he pointed to the two bottles of orange juice that were laid out between us "you alright"
"Im fine." I poked tom lightly in the ribs since he seemed zoned out "tom?"
"You alright?"
"Yeah. Im fine" he said quickly before looking back out at the skyline. Adam sighed and stood up looking sad
"Stay. Im not pushing you out." He smiled and sat back down reaching his hand out. I took one from around tom and touched it to his gently before pulling it away again and returning it to where it was "hows dom?"
"Fuckin scared." He chuckled "Hes alright. Had to explain a million times that tom was just defending you until he finally got it. Hes not mad at anyone. At least i dont think so anyway."
"Okay. Now cmon im tired as fuck i just wanna sleep. Im gonna take the spare bed in toms room." I pulled away from tom but he pulled my arms back around him. He still seemed zoned out so i put it down to reflexes but the same happened when i tried again
"Not gonna happen"
"Tom cmon its time we went inside"
"Ill leave you out here with him then?"
"Teddy dont fucking leave me" i cursed
"Hes your problem now"
"Im not a fucking problem alright?" Tom spat at him not even breaking his stare outwards
"No ones saying ya are honey" he relaxed a little at my words "adam go on. Ill see you in a minute when we go in." He nodded and left us alone
"Im not a problem. I solve problems. I help ya."
"Cmon. We can go inside and talk about this. I think theres some things we gotta talk through anyway." I moved away and this time he didnt pull me back "lets go"
"No. Not until i get my shit together"
"Fine then im staying too"
"No you should get some sleep"
"Then come with me tom." I changed my tactic "please?" I said softly knowing he would soon cave
"Cmon. Lets go then." He stood up and looked me in the face "And for the record thats not gonna work every time"
"We will see"

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