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"Arigato" Taehyung thanked the owner of the cotton candy shop woman as the festival near Osaka stayed pleased and cheerful. But the vendor was shooked, she wish to never believe in this. Its Kim Taehyung. One of the famous Boygroup in the world since K-pop started to preach, gaining its popularity to the highest. Taehyung didn't mind himself, he just smiled warmly and took the cotton candy. "t-take care!" Said the woman as she stuttered completely. Taehyung only smiled, walking away before holding the large sized cotton candy like a simple bouquet of flowers.

Purple, the color of the silk cotton candy was his trailed with his favorite color. He adored the purple this much, it felt like his memories we're coming back in his thoughts again. Considering his members almost in disbandment next year since it was almost the end of their contract. It felt like his heart was snapped in an instant, but the colors of Purple changed it all. It brought back countless memories that rooted his happiness way back. From their debut, from the existence of Armies, to finding a love himself.

And did your ever wondered why the last color of the rainbow was purple? Because thats how long he cherished everyone who adored and find them as their happiness, It will always mean everything to him...

"Its V from BTS!" One of the fangirls screamed but everyone seemed to not notice it. The ladies went near the man. He himself being bothered by trying to fit in as a normal human in the streets of Osaka. "Senpai! Is it true that you and the others are going on disbandment soon?!!" Said the black haired girl in Japanese making Taehyung flustered by since he's trying hard to understand despite their language barrier.

"V! Is this really you?! I heard you went on a vacation because you have wife already, IS IT TRUE??!!" The other one said, now teary eyed all of the sudden. Making Taehyung confused more and more. He felt giddy pick of their sudden interfering. He didn't like this at all. He was already making all of the attention caught on him and other girls are going to get on him sooner or later...

"Appa!" The small three year old girl suddenly ran out of nowhere with a woman watching behind her carefully. Causing the others to look at the little girl. "Bogoshipdayo" The girl pouted, her black hair and chubby cheeks heaved while the others were dead confused.

'is that why he went on vacation?'
'he has a fucking child already?!!'
the others wondered, dying in their thoughts already.

"Mianhe" He chuckled and went to carry the child like a small infant. "appa misses you too wheres mommy?" the others stuttered looking at the gorgeous child and its handsome father. Taehyung gave her the purple cotton candy, the little girl cheered in amazement as the girls infront of them stayed in disbelief. Seconds has passed, until a black haired woman suddenly appeared and went to kiss the little girls brown bangs. "Dont ran Kim Laliah, or else its hard for me and appa to find you..." Lisa said wrapping a small yellow scarf on her small neck.

"Neh eomma!" Liah cheered out eating the cotton candy. They only chuckled. Not minding the people beside them at all.

"Oh, Im sorry. May I help you?" Taehyung asked with Lisa and Liah's beads pinned on the womens infront of them. They were embarrassed and shooked alot. and because of that they only ran away like creeps being lured upon embarrassment. "Lets go Lali? I dont want you and Liah freezing here" Taehyung said warmly, planting a long kiss the womans chubby cheeks. "K-kaja?" She stuttered. Blushing at his sudden affection, Taehyung only chuckled wrapping his arms around Kim Lalisa as she carried their child with a small blue stroller infront of them. Taehyung was pleased and happy, just closed his eyes to brief the moment.

So thats why Osaka is such a beautiful place, only some people knew them and didn't mind the couple at all. It was a perfect place for both of them to roam in. Even think of Living here and making their child to learn Japanese instead. Korea was to crowdy for them, it was supposed to be their Dreamland, but it turned into hell once toxic people we're starting to get really obsessive...

Sasaengs roamed scross Seoul, interfering their personal lives as death and rape threats we're scattered to the other Idols. Hatred was normal for them, but it got worse and worse as time passed by, they dont even know why. In solitude, most of the Idols gave up and commited suicide. Korea was so hard to live when your an Idol, it not because of the place. Its the toxicity of hatred people thats scary. Making Dreamland live like a never ending suffer for the mental and emotional state for Idols...

Taehyungs breath hitched as his eyes were peirced in fear. His memories clashed back again like a cutted edge knife .Lisa saw him, instead she comforted the man by colliding her soft hands with his. Taehyung smiled lovingly, His hand interwind with hers as Lisa leans her small head to his broad shoulders. Looking at the yellow, purple sunset infront of them. Her wife and his favorite color, All combusted together to make such marvelous scenery. Clouds were thin and translucent for the sun and clouds to collide and make golden pallet reflections. Even though how far they have come in their lives, the memories will always picture them as an endless photograph for them to remember...

"Lisa" He spoked out of nowhere. "Hmm?" Lisa hummed, looking at the black haired man.

"I purple you..."

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