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Jungkook stood in front of the big Quill Publishers building. He understood the gravity of the situation perfectly. He could go in, mess everything up and his story would not be done justice. However, if he convinces the publishers to accept his story, he would be telling his kids about this moment. He'd say, "Listen here. I walked into that building and wowed everyone in there. They were practically begging me to let them publish my story." Of course he'd lie. He couldn't tell them that he was so nervous that he peed his pants. That would completely annihilate his reputation. He mustered up a little bit of courage from his daydream of a hopeful future. He had to do this. If not for himself, then at least for Jimin. He couldn't ask him to be his mate if he were that unsuccessful. He strode inside, past the guards and various people walking around with files in their hands and earbuds in their ears, to the reception.

"Excuse me, I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm supposed to be meeting Mr. Kim Taehyung," he said to the man sitting behind the table.

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "You're Jeon Jungkook?"

Jungkook was taken aback. Did he know him or something? "Yes, Sir. Is there any problem?"

The man vigorously shook his head. "No! Not at all, Sir. It's just that Taehyung told me about you. He said that your story is one of the best he's ever read."

"Really?" he gasped in shock. 

"Yes, Sir. Absolutely." The man's gaze shifted to someone behind Jungkook. He gestured towards it. "There he is, Sir. Right behind you."

He turned around, feeling as though he was having a dream. He was afraid that he'd wake up in his bed, back in Busan, still hopelessly trying to make his aspirations come true. And the man behind him certainly looked like a creature one could imagine only in dreams. He was the perfect epitome of tall, dark and handsome. But a part of him still thought, even in his dazed state, that Jimin was even more breathtaking.

Taehyung extended his hand. "I'm Kim Taehyung. You must be Jungkook-I know from the photo you'd sent along with the draft of your story."

He shook his hand. "Yes, I'm Jungkook. Is it true? Did you really like my story, Sir?"

"Call me Taehyung," he said. "And let's discuss this in my office."

He led him through a yellow lit hallway to a huge room with racks filled with thousands of books. He motioned for him to sit down in a chair and sat behind his table.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush, Jungkook. I absolutely loved your story, 'Your Eyes Tell.'" said Taehyung, shaking his head. "Absolutely shaken. The way you've packed action so beautifully with feelings, it's-" he struggled to find words. "Amazing, honestly."

Jungkook couldn't believe his ears. "So you'll publish it?" he asked excitedly.

"Well, if it's okay with you, we'd like to send off it for editing. Minor changes will be made, with your consultation, of course. We still have to find an artist to make the cover. And we don't want to publish just this story. You show tremendous potential so we've decided to offer you a contract. Sign with us and we'll publish everything you give us."

He felt his eyes brim with tears but he gulped to suppress his emotions. "This is so overwhelming."

Taehyung smiled at him warmly. "You're getting what you unequivocally deserve, Jungkook. You're still so young and have a lot to see and learn but the way you've written is phenomenal. I'll keep in touch with you, to update you about how everything's going. Go home for now. Tell your friends and family. Your time to shine is here."

Jungkook got on his feet unsteadily. "Taehyung?"


"Can I have a hug? I'm so grateful to you. Thank you so much, truly."

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