How to get into a fight within ten minutes.

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Percy stood at the door of the cabin, his eyes still glued to me as if I didn't belong in the Poseidon cabin. In a way, he was right. I was no longer his sister and looked far from ever being related to him. My straight pitch-black hair hung to my shoulder blades although a few hours ago it had been frizzy and dark brown. My eyes were now dark brown and looked like a tunnel of souls, the icy blue eyes that I had once treasured were nowhere to be seen.

No longer was I just Sky Lark, I was also Holly Woodson. They shared my body, I guess that you could say that I had a multiple personality disorder just like the gods at the time with their half Roman, half Greek thing.

"I got confused of where to go," I lied, he seemed less intimidating when his eyebrows relaxed instead of staring me down. Percy must've had the same problem when he was new.

"Well, Holly, the Hades cabin is at the other end of the row of male gods' cabins. Just go past the next four cabins and your's will be the small black one," he informed me. He was about to exit the cabin until he suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah, have you seen Sky? Brown hair, bluish greenish eyes, freckles?"

My head shook and I watched him as he left the cabin. When he was gone, I instantly twisted to the drawer behind me and dug through Sky's drawers until I could find the notepad that she uses for when she plans to leave camp without telling anyone. I ripped a page out and took a pen out of the same drawer that the notepad was contained in.

Dear friends [and other people],

I've been called back home, family troubles that is. I will either act like a mortal or try to tell my mother about the camp but she probably won't allow me to come back. If we never see each other again, just know that you should focus on your life. Don't look for me, don't tell me if anyone had died, for I will know about it and I will be at the funeral in some shape or form.

From the living girl,

Sky Lark

I decided that the note was unclear, but Sky is to so at least it is believable. I walked out of my former cabin and went towards the Hades cabin.

The note seemed to not make much sense, but Sky doesn't make much sense either so the note would definitely pass to be hers.

Now at that moment, I was trying to figure the entire situation out. It wasn't like I was Lady Gaga and was born this way, I literally transformed into Holly Woodson in a few hours. I guess that you could say that I had multiple personality, but sometimes I felt like Sky with Holly's memories and at other times I'm Holly with Sky's memories. Make sense?

At that time, I was definitely Holly. I descended the stairs of the cabin while gripping the letter that I had written thirteen years ago. Let me clear the air, Holly was writing the letter while she was on her way to be reborn. She was then born as Sky and was given the letter.

While I passed the Ares cabin, their door burst open and the kids of all races and ages came pouring out like people that were entering Walmart on Black Friday. I pushed my way through the hormonal teenagers, catching whiffs of bad hygiene as many of them lifted their arms in a cheer.

As I pushed one of the celebrating teens out of the way, they suddenly took it as a challenge. "Ay!" an African American boy shouted in my face, spitting on me in the process. I wiped the saliva off with my sleeve while choking on the terrible scent of his breath. "WHO YOU THINK YOU IS?"

"I is yo worse nightmare, get out of my face," I threatened. Despite my thin body, I had always believed that it doesn't matter what body you use, it matters how you use it.

The son of Ares laughed loudly as if my threat was adorable. A growl started in the back of my throat, I had dealt with impossible chances of winning before but I would lose again if I had to.

"You got spunk!" he chuckled. He suddenly became serious, his smile disappearing and replaced with a face of a warrior. He shoved my shoulders back, causing me to stumble backwards. "You best be careful, punk," he warned right before he rejoined his siblings.

Gods, no wonder Sky avoided the Ares cabin, I thought to myself.

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