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It all started one winter, when a car suddenly crashed into me.

"Oi, do you intend to lay down there all day?" I heard a faint voice talking to me while poking my forehead.

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes and a blonde boy with a golden brown eyes is the first thing I saw.

"W-Where am I?" I asked him as I wander my eyes around.

The place is covered in white. Snow?

This is not the last place I've been to.

"You're in the park. Did you hit your head? If not, go home." He spoke and started to walk away.

He's so tall for a kid.

"W-Wait! What's your name?" I asked him from a distance.


"Y/N! Thank goodness you're awake!"

When I blinked one second, I'm suddenly inside a hospital room and blonde boy is gone.

And it's not snowing.

What's hapenning?


A/N: hello. I'm back with another story! Winks!

between two worlds || tsukishima kei x readerWhere stories live. Discover now