Chapter 12: Going Back to School

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"Charlotte, I know this is all fun and stuff, but you're going to have to go back to school tomorrow," mom would tell me, her face full of seriousness.

I'd just nod. I wouldn't loathe school much anymore as I'd already be caught up in terms of content; I've had a nice break from it anyway.

Yeah, I can do this!

It would be getting late now, so it'd be best if I go to bed now. When I'd walk in front of a mirror, a girl with almost no more bruises and a bird's nest hair would show up.

Oh. My. Gosh! I can't believe this! I look just like those other girls out in the world! Well, apart from my hair, but that can wait.

As I'd fall face flat onto my bed, I'd be thinking about how the following day would go.

Maybe since I'd be going to middle school, the students would be different? If not, hopefully they'd forgive me for what I had done to them...

Perhaps I can make some friends! Oh, my first friend...what is it like to have a friend anyway? Wait! What even is a friend! Who the heck am I? What 12-year-old doesn't know what a freaking friend is? Ugh...I'll deal with it tomorrow...

Just like that, I'd fall asleep. Today was a good day, but will tomorrow be too?

Huh? Where am I? ... Oh, it's morning already...

After getting up quickly and glancing at myself in the mirror would horrify me.

How the heck did my hair transform from a bird's nest to when your hair sticks to those balloons?!

Well, I suppose it's time to fix it before I make my first impression...

After 15 minutes of wetting my hair and brushing it, it finally looks okay.

"Charlotte! Breakfast is ready!" I hear mom announce.

"Okay, mom! Coming!" I'd say, running down the stairs, being careful not to slip.

Mark would be wide awake and eating his cereal. "Good morning, Charlotte. How did you sleep?"

"I slept great!" I'd reply.

"Are you ready to go to school today?"

"Yeah, I think I've had a long enough break."

When I'd glance at the clock behind him, it was 7:40.

Oh, geez that went by fast...

"Mom, we have to go..." I'd say.

She'd grab the keys, her purse, and phone.

"Ok, bye Mark!" she'd exclaim, and then they kissed.

It would honestly be a strange scene to watch, especially if it's your own parents, but I didn't mind. I've never seen her and Steve kiss though...


As we'd drive to school, I'd see all the kids scattered into groups. The athletic group, the popular girls it seems, the nerds, the weirdos who dressed up like turtles, and the "regular" kids who hang out with a couple of friends.

Just then, a rush of stress and anxiety would roll over me like an ant under a mat who can't escape. It would be so intense that I wouldn't be able to open the car door.

My eyes would also be glued to a rolling ball that's going to go onto the street.

"Charlotte! Stop doing whatever you're doing and out of the car!" my mom would yell as she gently nudged me out.

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