👑Chapter 11 :- ( Baseball Match )👑

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NewYork Airport

Jonny's flight landed In NewYork and he got out of the Airport.

" Damit !! How am I gone find Lucas...No..Luke...I can't go to Cops or they might know who I am , what am I gone do " Jonny said to himself.

" Offcourse !!! Mike !! he will definitely help me " Jonny said and called his friend Mike " Hello.. Mike! I need your help...I will explain everything In detail ...your at home right ?..Ok thanks..I am coming " Jonny switched off the phone and took a Cab to Mike's apartment.

( Along the American-Mexican Border )

Julian Esteban was a wanted Drug Dealer who carried out his business of Exporting-Importing drug across American-Mexican Border who was also a big customer Lucas King.

" Has encontrado alugna pista de Lucas King ( Have they found any clue of Lucas King ?) " Julian asked In Mexican.

" We are sorry Boss , there has been no sign of Lucas King for weeks " One of his men said.

" I want to know where the hell Is Lucas King , I need him at any cost , I have paid 1.2 million Dollar for the 200 crates " Julian said putting his cigar In the ash tray. ( warning smoking Is Injurious to health 🚭 ).

" We might not have got lead on Lucas King but we have got Information that His best Friend Jonny Is back In NewYork , he might have some Information " Julian smiled.

" Well that's good , we are heading to New York then  , Get my stuff In my Private Jett " Julian said and his men nodded.

👑Lucas Pov👑

So I was at school and we were having story-time.

Miss Jones was reading some story. about ' Peter Rabbit '.

God damit !!! I would shoot those a**holes who made this story.

Seriously what kind of rabbits wear clothes and celebrate Halloween.

" So Peter and his friends....." Miss Jones continued the story when our sports teacher Miss Lewis walked in.

" Sorry to Interrupt your story students but we are having an Inter school Baseball Match In which we will be selecting you kids for Junior baseball team , so I need you to show these slips to your parents and get them signed " Miss Lewis said distributing the slips.

Baseball !?? I sucked at baseball !!.....


" We are having Baseball Match Mister Frank " I said.

" Oh reall that's awesome " Frank said.

" Best player will get selected on Junior Baseball team " I said.

" That's good " Frank said.

" But I don't know to play baseball " I said looking down.

" Aww that's ok kiddo , I will teach you " Frank said smiling.

" Really ?? " I asked.

-Lucas King- [Return to Childhood]Where stories live. Discover now