👑 Chapter 13 :- ( Doctor's Appointment )👑

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Mike's Apartment....

Jonny knocked on the door of Mike's apartment.

" Hey ! Mike open the door it's me , Jonny " Jonny said and Mike opened the door.

" Hello Jonny Boy ! what got you here - " Mike said as Jonny closed the door and got inside.

" I need to tell you about something " Jonny said.

" Sure , want something to drink " Mike asked and Jonny nodded as poured some bourbon In the glass.

" Now listen carefully " Jonny said sipping and began explaining everything that has happened.

" No no no ! there's no way I am helping you with that , Jonny do you have any idea how risky it is " Mike said.

" Oh come on Michael , its not a big deal - " Jonny said.

" It's not a big deal !??? , do you know who is Frank Stanfield ? , he's the NYPD Cheif and kidnapping Lucas from under his nose is impossible " Mike said.

" That's not the point - " There was a harsh Knock on the door as both of them looked at each other.

" Who might be ? Luke I thought it was just - " Mike said and Jonny made shushing noise by putting his finger in his lip.

The door was opened with bang and Julian Esteban walked In with his bodyguards.

" Bueono , parece que nosotros vamos a divertirenos mucho ( well well looks like we are gone have so much fun ) " Julian said smiling.

NYPD ( Frank's Office )

🎩Frank's Pov🎩

Halloween had been a real heck and everytime I passed from the hallway I could hear officer's giggling.

God dammit ! that kid had to go and pull down my pants Infront of  so many people.

I should have put my belt on and never wear those Hulk boxer.

Wait ? why do I even wear them ?

I was in my thoughts when the phone ringed.

" Hello " I said.

" Hey Frank , it's me Dr Watson " Doctor Watson said.

" Hello Dr Watson How may I help you ? " I asked.

" Frank Last time when you brought Luke I forgot to tell you that kids around Luke's age need to take booster shots , I wanted to If you want you can bring Luke tomorrow at my Clinic " Dr Watson said.

" Oh ya sure , that sounds good " I said.

" Alright I will see you guys tomorrow " Dr Watson said and I hung up.

Why ? Just why ? Now I have to drag Luke to Dr Watson's clinic to get him shots.

Just great!

At Home....

" Frank stop ! your giving me headache " Evelyn said.

" Eve I need to think how am I gone convince Luke to come to Dr Watson's clinic without telling him the reason " I  said.

" Frank It's not a big deal , you have raised two kids I don't think taking Luke to get shots is supposed to be difficult " Evelyn said.

" That's the problem ! It's Luke , he isn't like Jeff or Emma " I said.

-Lucas King- [Return to Childhood]Where stories live. Discover now