My letter

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The day was warm and sunny i was doing what i always do playing with the owl. I always thought it was werid that we had an owl as a pet when everyone else had a dog or a cat but i guess i just wasnt normal like everyone else. "Honey go let the owl fly"My mother said. "Okay" i opened the door and decied to grab the mail. There was a letter JUST FOR ME in fine green print it read 𝑌/n Jackson 𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 2𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑟. Who was this from and how do they know where my bedroom is? I questioned myself so i turned it over the seal over the letter had 4 symbols on it. A snake a lion a badger and a bird. I asked my mother what it was. She told me i got accepted into this wizard school and im a witch. I was shocked but it made sense when i was only 5 i was able to make my toys fly. I already had a robe and a wand my mom said i got my wand when i was young. I did not remember any of this and now here i am at the train station alone. My mother wasnt really the one to care about me unless its something she wants atleast i knew what to do sense mom told me i though "1.. 2.. 3.." i ran into the wall hoping ill get through. I slowly opened my eyes "woah.." i said. "1st year aswell?" Someone said i looked at them. "Oh im sorry did i scare you?" He said "n-no i just didnt expect someone to talk to me" i said I looked at his hair it was red like fire i looked at him again and smiled "y/n. Y/n riddle" i said holding out my hand "ron. Ron weasley!" He shakes my hand. "ON THE TRAIN ON THE TRAIN" I voice yelled? "Sorry mom.." Ron said I followed him to the train and got on before him. I turned around to see where he is. "bye mom i love you" he said. Hugging his mom. That was so cute. I thought. Do i like him? I thought NO i just met him stop over thinking the bus was packed almost ever spot was filled but one. It was a boy looking out the window with a snowy owl. "Can we sit here everywhere else is full" ron said. "The boy jumped "yea sure." The boy replied "im Ron Ron Weasley and this is y/n" Ron said I smiled and wave "Harry.. Harry Potter." Harry said "woah y/n your teeth are so perfect" ron said. I blushed and laughed "thanks!" I said" wait you said your names harry right" i asked the boy "yea harry potter." Harry said "wait really?!" Ron asked. "Why is it such a big deal ron?" I asked "harry survied a. Death curse at a very young age and made the dark Lord aka yknow who lose all his powers! No other wizard but harry ever survived that curse and people claim he was left with a dark mark from the curse!" Ron said hary turned red and looked away "well can we see the scar?" I asked "sure." Harry lifted his hair revealing his scar "COOL!" Ron said. "Im getting tired" I said. "Can I lay down?" I asked ron."sure" ron said. I laid my head on rons lap and thats when i saw him. Blonde hair it was slicked back. I looked at his eyes and i got mesmorized. "Who was that" i thought I dozed off thinking of the boy who was he.. What was his name.. I fell asleep on rons lap

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