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With Catboy and Owlette.
Catboy Pov.
Catboy : I think Romeo is *twitches ears* behind the trees.
Owlette : Ok I will see *flys up and see Romeo*.
Owlette : I see Romeo but he is doing nothing.
Then they go to Romeo.
Catboy : What are you up too Romeo.
Romeo : Nothing and haa *shoot a beam at catboy*.
But Owlette get shot instead because she blocked Catboy.
Then Catboy immediately pick up Owlette and ran away fast at a tree.
Catboy : Owlette are you alright.
Owlette color was getting purple and suddenly catboy realized it was the opposite ray use and that meant Owlette turned too bad.
Dark owl : I will finish you dark owl talcon *grab catboy takes him to Romeo*.
Catboy : You will never get away with it Romeo.
Romeo : Oh *smirks* guess you figured out *shoot the beam at catboy*.
But catboy managed to dodged it.
Romeo : Dark owl I give you the honor too *throws the beam gun to dark owl*.
Dark owl : It is gonna be fun.
Dark owl chased Catboy at the forest.
Catboy : Owlette snap out of it *dodged the beam*.
Dark owl : I am dark owl and gonna shoot you *shoots lots of beam*.
Catboy dodged all the beams till an cave wall.
Dark owl : *shoot dark feathers*.
Catboy couldn't dodged it and got tangled at Owlette feathers.
Dark owl : *shoot the beam at catboy*.
And Catboy slowly got evil.
Dark owl : Any last word pussy cat.
Catboy : Yes.
Dark owl : What is the last word *getting closer and laughs evily*.
Catboy : *pulling her cheek and kissed Owlette*.
Then Catboy felt her lips kissed his.
Catboy : Owlette I love you *turns to evil*.
Then Owlette immediately turned normal and remember catboy saying I love you.
When she untangle Catboy.
Owlette : Catboy.
Night panther : I am no longer catboy I am Night panther.
Owlette tries to fly away but Night panther grab leg of Owlette and tied her in rope. Then Robot came and Night panther said bring our master.
Robot : Ok I will bring master right away.
Night panther carry Owlette and tied her in a tree so Romeo could shoot the beam properly.
And then Night panther wait patiently for Romeo and it has been a while since Romeo didn't came. After a while Night panther hear Owlette.
Owlette : Catboy.
Night panther : What?.
Owlette : Come closer.
Night panther comes closer.
Owlette : Couple of more.
Night panther came closer now they almost touch there lips.
Night panther : What?.
Owlette : *kissed catboy holding the wrist*.
Night panther couldn't help but kissed back at Owlette.
Owlette : Catboy I love you.
Then Catboy turns to normal.
Catboy : What the Owlette *untied the rope*.
Catboy : *hugged Owlette* I am horrible person I nearly hurt you *cries*.
Owlette : Catboy it is not your fault it is Romeo's fault *clean the tears*.
Catboy and Owlette looked at each other for a moment and kissed for 10 seconds.

Catboy and Owlette looked at each other for a moment and kissed for 10 seconds

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After 10 seconds they realised the kiss.
Then Romeo was coming with the opposite ray but then he saw Catboy and Owlette free.
Then he shoot the opposite ray in anger but this time.
Catboy and Owlette dodges the beam and use cat stripes and owl feathers to tangled Romeo and also destroy the opposite ray.
Romeo : I will get you next time PJ pest.
Catboy and Owlette then goes at hq  holding hand together happily.

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