Chapter 3 - To Ninjala!

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Alright, the moment you've been waiting for. Time to meet Burton and Berreca! Now shhh child, we'll meet Lucy soon. Why did I say Lucy? Oh, everyone loves her a lot so I thought you wanted to meet her the most. Eh, nevermind.

*1. This is just an added detail, I know Berreca doesn't actually have nail polish.

(S/C) = Skin color


"Are you done dressing yet?"

(Y/N) abruptly yelled to (A/N), who was in a dressing room. They were lucky that there was a clothing store nearby. And nobody questioned at all why there were 2 kids alone in a clothing store, like two other kids earlier. It seemed too weird to be a coincidence...

(Y/N) was leaned up against a wall, the wall of the dressing room to be specific. The girl had a pink hoodie with a blue heart on it. It was combined with fingerless gloves, heart-shaped kneepads, and blue knee-high boots. (A/N) finally came out of the dressing room. His outfit was the same as (Y/N)'s, except in blue and with star kneepads. How lucky they had these in blue and pink, huh? He walked up to (Y/N) with his hands in his pocket.

"You're the Ninjala kinnie. You lead us to the sign-ups," He bluntly said, sparing no mercy in his words. (Y/N) slightly sweat a bit, her brother sure knew how to be emotionless sometimes. She gathered herself, trying to think even with all this mess going on.

"Well, according to the posters, it's on La Cherry Street." (Y/N) pointed out, her thumb on her chin. (A/N) nodded and headed towards the exit, (Y/N) following close behind. The two knew that they had to do this, their adult life was counting on it. They didn't think that they'd meet people in the same situation...


The two arrived at La Cherry Street, and it was as busy as all the other streets in the city. But this one was probably the busiest, as there was a crowd around the park filled with green, lush trees and shrubs. All the commotion must be for the sign-ups, as they became open today. There seemed to be more kids than adults, but they probably came with supervision. As (Y/N) and (A/N) walked closer, they had seen the very large crowd in front of what looked like a gym, but the doors were closed. It had the Ninjala banner on top of it also. It seemed like everyone wanted a piece of Ninjala action, huh? The only thing they could do right now is squeezing into the crowd. (A/N) groaned as he stepped in a half-open space along with (Y/N), who was just happy this was happening.

In front of them was a girl with a pink pompadour and a ponytail flowing down, almost enough to touch the ground. and next to her was a boy with short, ruffled, blonde hair and blue, under-rim glasses. (Y/N) was taking notes of this, but she had no idea why. She naturally took notes of those around her. She scooched over to the boy and girl, but enough that she was still close enough to her twin. She stretched her (S/C) arm over to gently tap the girl on the shoulder.

At once, she perked up and looked around to (Y/N)'s direction. (A/N) was looking away, so luckily he couldn't start criticizing her for talking to random strangers. The blue-eyed girl looked at (Y/N) with arched eyebrows, expecting a reason for this disturbance. The guy with glasses also looked back because of this. This is a win for (Y/N), as she wanted to meet both of them anyways. She gave a grin to then and gave her hand to them. It was very loosely done.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)! What're your names," She exclaimed. It was as if all her words were in bold. The girl with the bubblegum-like hair chuckled and answered her question, taking the handshake.

"Berreca. Are you here to sign up to Ninjala too?" 

She questioned (Y/N), putting her hands in which their nails had hot pink nail polish* that matched with her hair on them back into her pocket. Hopefully, they were already done drying! (Y/N) internally squealed. She was already meeting ninja just like her! She quickly nodded up and down. She then extended her arm once again, this time abruptly pointing at the blonde boy in front of Berreca.

"And you! What's your name?!"  

(Y/N) screamed like she was a military commander. Naturally, this shook the poor boy. He took a moment to fix his blue glasses which was jangled up from the scare. With a slightly distressed face, he replied:

"Erm, Burton," He said, looking at (Y/N) like she was a crazy ax murderer. But she was too cute to be one! I think...Anyways, (A/N) finally stopped staring into space and what sight he saw confused him. Who are these people? He stared at them intensely, looking them up and down, giving them his supreme judgment. The two obviously seemed disturbed by this man, (or more like boy) but I mean, who wouldn't? His gaze had a hint of intimidation, with a dash of disgust. (Y/N) tried to save the mood by covering (A/N)'s face with her arm.

"D-Don't mind him! He's just not keen on strangers,"

 She tried to explain to them before turning her head to (A/N) and giving him an angry look, to which (A/N) only responded with an exaggerated eye roll. (Y/N) pouted at his brother's incompetence, then Berreca chuckled once again.

"Well, you two totally get along swell, don't ya?"

(Y/N) quickly nodded, ignoring (A/N) at the same time. "Yessiree! But we're twins, so he can be a bit annoying at times."

"OH, I'm annoying?" (A/N) angrily started, pointing at himself. He crossed her arms and shouted: "I wasn't the one who got us turned into kids because I wanted to explore some abandoned lab!" He protested. He then immediately after cupped his mouth. He just blurted that out in front of complete strangers! Now they probably think he's crazy. Berreca and Burton surely did give off that impression, as their eyes were bug-wide, staring at them. They then looked back to each other, then back at (A/N) and (Y/N). Burton only asked in disbelief:

"You guys got turned into kids too?"

(A/N)'s jaw dropped wide open. It really wasn't some very long, realistic dream he was having. (Y/N)'s eyes widened, then she ran over to Berreca and Burton. "Well, yeah! That's totally weird, right!? Now we gotta enter Ninjala to find some sort of cure! Hey, hey! We can team up-" 

Berreca and Burton only sweat a little bit as she kept rambling. Burton fixed his glasses for what felt like the 80th time and agreed with her. "Teaming up does seem optimal right now. We just have to get in the top 10 to be able to get into this season of Ninjala."

Berreca wondered how the two got into the lab. She was sure that Burton locked it...or he didn't. She internally facepalmed at the thought, but just to make sure, she wanted to ask. As soon as she opened her mouth to speak, large intercoms on the outside of the building started booming. A voice that sounded like it belonged to an ancient man appeared out of them. It spoke:

"All that are planning to participate in Ninjala, please come forth," Just then, the gates to greatness (or just sweaty gym doors) opened wide with a swing. An influx of kids started dashing in and flooding the place. There were so many people that it separated the four amongst the sea of potential participants! (Y/N), In a desperate attempt to reconnect, tried to hold out her hand to (A/N) before he disappeared. (A/N) noticed this and tried to grip hers in return but to no avail...


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