Chapter 3

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In the castle Nightmare was so pissed off that he could have strangled everyone in his crew. However, he changed his mind at the last minute as he got a good idea. He asked Cross to come close. He muttered softly instructions to his loyal servant and then they disappeared quickly. Killer, Dust and Horror remained in Nightmare's castle. Error had gone into his own Anti-Void.

Dust: "What now?"

Killer: "We can relax tonight. You know, gambling, drink some beer, etc."

Horror: "Yeah, I can make some good snacks for us."

They went to the training room. Killer brought playing cards and Horror brought hot dogs and beers. They started to drink and having fun. As the evening progressed the buddies began to get drunk.

Dust: "Fuck it!"

Killer: "You lose again. You owe me 7 g."

Dust tossed the cards to the ground. He wasn't angry about losing. He was annoyed about what happened earlier that day. He was so disappointed in himself. How could he be so careless and let Blueberry surprise him like that. He could not accept that his little perky enemy was more cunning than him.

Killer: "You look so tense. We are supposed to have fun here. Calm down a bit."

Dust: "Whatever..."

Killer: "I know what makes you relax. Wait here for sec."

Killer went to his room and soon came back with a bag in his hand. He opened it and took a white pill from there, which he handed to his dusty friend.

Dust: "What the hell is this? Some kind of drug?"

Killer: "Try it. It helps you to chill out. The guy who gave this told me that these are gonna blow your mind."

Dust: "What guy?"

Killer: "Some guy...He tried to bribe me so I wouldn't kill him... But I killed him anyway."

Dust took a pill and swallowed it. Killer offered drug for Horror too, while putting a white tablet under his tongue. Horror quikly threw it in his mouth without any questions. The bad trio continued gaming. Time passed and Dust became frustrated. He felt nothing in his body. He got angry and stood up. Suddenly he felt his knees betray and he swayed back to ground. He wondered what was going on in his body. His every bone felt like jelly. He tried to look ahead but the world just spinned around him. His soul was beating so hard that it seemed to explode. Then suddenly he felt a warm, relaxing wave sweep over his body. It felt like drowning in deep, endless harmony. His mind hovered so high that every thing seemed insignificant. It felt as if he had received inner peace from  all sins. Horror sat quietly in place next to Dust. He seemed to stare into emptiness. A Thick slobber slowly flowed from his mouth. At the same time Killer spun on the floor and giggled hysterically. Then he remained quietly lying on the ground. A long silence arrived in the room. Darkness descended slowly over the castle. Some lean mice loudly ate breadcrumbs on the floor. Furry spiders weaved their nets into the corners of the rooms. A dirty dust ball rolled into the Killer's nose as he pulled air in. He sneezed so hard that Dust was starled. Murder rolled his eyes and looked at his friends. Killer still laid beside him unconscious. Horror was greedily eating all leftovers. Dust didn't feel so good. He decided leaving to his room before vomiting. He got up trembling and doggedly tried to move forwards, but  had hard time walking straight. While eating Horror noticed his buddys stagger. He stood up and started to follow his sick friend. Horror took him by the hand and led him to the front door of the room.

Dust: "Thanks, buddy. I'll make it from now on."

Horror: "Is there anything else you want me to do for you?"

Dust: "Heh, you can do anything to get this dizzy feeling out of me."

Horror looked at Dust intensely and then he kissed him. Dust flinched and he tried to take a step back, but he couldn't because he was standing against the wall.

Dust: "What the hell are you doing?"

Horror: "I help you to forget that feeling you have."

Dust was too weak to refuse. He let his partner keep kissing because it actually felt good. Horror started to touch Dust's body. His fingers fondled sofly his mate's neck bones. It tickled a bit, but  felt stunning at the same time. The stroking felt so soothing that Murder's tense body relaxed. Little by little the hand moved toward the ribs. Horror lifted Murder's shirt a little and began to gently lick every rib with his red ecto tongue. Dust closed his eyes and sighed with pleasure. Both became more aroused over time.

Dust: "We better stop this. Nightmare will slaughter us if we get caught. He does not accept relationships between his employees."

Horror: "I can't stop anymore."

Dust: "Go on then."

Horror continued touching his partner's waist. Dust began to tremble as endorphins were released in his body. He let out a moan when Horror's fingers reached the pelvis. Suddenly Dust felt something throbbing in his pants. The purple glow began to sheen through the black shorts. His face turned purple when he noticed his partner looking at his crotch.

Dust: "Oh, gosh!"

Horror: "Everything's fine. Really beautiful color you have there."

Horror put his hand on the Dust's crotch and began to gently rub it. Murder had a hard time restraining himself. He desired his partner so much that he would have liked to snatch him in his arms and carry him straight to the bed. Suddenly they heard a slam further ahead . Horror and Dust were startled and stopped touching each other.

Horror: "Maybe it's just Killer."

Dust: "Or worse, Nightmare. We better go to our rooms now. I don't take any risks."

Horror: "Shit. Maybe you're right. Good night then."

Dust: "See you tomorrow."

They both quickly went to their rooms and hoped no one saw them.

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