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First Chapter!!! Comment what you think about chapter one when its done, or vote to show that you like it! Thank you! :)


"Audrey, Audrey, AUDREY!" My younger sister Teagan yelled into my ear.

"God, what do you want? It's... six in the morning!"

"Yea.. But that also means one more hour until you have to be on the bus for school!" She said excitedly. Oh no. Winter break can't be over already, can it? I shot up and ran towards the bathroom.

"Your welcome!" Teagan exclaims. Since I got a shower last night, all I had to do was wash my face and brush my teeth. After completing that, I went into my room to find an outfit for the day. I quickly checked my phone to see what the temperature would be for the day; the high was 21 degrees Fahrenheit, and the low was 4.Before I looked throughout my closet and couldn't decided between my black or white sweater. Gosh, if we only had a uniform this would be much easier. I finally decided on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white knit sweater, and my chestnut boots.

After getting dressed, I went back into my bathroom to fix my hair and my face. I quickly straightened my hair and put on a little bit of concealer along with a pink lip gloss. Who really cares what I look like, I'm not trying to impress anyone. Well, I am, but trying to impress someone just based on looks is a terrible thing. Attitude and personality are more important to me than anything else. After finishing, I applied my body spray and grabbed my phone & bag. I went into the kitchen for something to eat, and grabbed a breakfast bar. I had twenty minutes before I had to leave, so I sat down and ate my food at the table.

Teagan walked in five minutes later and sat down with her breakfast bar.

"I don't want to go back to school," She said annoyed.

"No one does, but hey, you've only got a few years left," Teagan was in ninth grade, and I was in tenth, "If we leave now I can walk you to the bus." We both got up and left the house. I would've normally said goodbye to my mom before we left, but starting last week she finally got a job working at the restaurant down the road. We've been living in the tiny one-floor house, needing food stamps, and barely getting by for four years now. Ever since dad left, it's been a rough life. But hey, we've got each other, and that's what's important.

Teagan's bus stop was 4 blocks away from mine, so it was quick to walk her every now and then. When I got to my stop, three people were already there. I waited a good five minutes before the bus came, and we went on. The next stop was where all of my friends are. Well, I only have like, five total friends and two of them were there. First on was Emma, my best friend since fourth grade. Then came on Blake. Blake had been my friend since sixth grade, but it's like I've known her forever. Blake sat next to me, and Emma sat across from us.

"How was your guys' Christmas?" Emma asked us.

"Great," Blake said excitededly, "I got my Warped Tour tickets, an IPhone, and soooooo much more!! How about you Audrey?" I always feel awkward about these type of situations because my family doesn't have alot of money to buy things. Blake and Emma know that, that's why every year their parents help get Teagan and I presents.

"Well, uh, I got a phone. It's a touchscreen phone, and I only have a little bit of minutes on it, but look! It has the weather and an alarm on it," I responed, "I got some clothes too."

"That's great Aud, I'll put Emma and I's number in."

Before I knew it, we reached our destination; Blackwood High School. I walked in side by side with Blake and Emma, and went straight to my locker. I got my books for all of my classes, and went to homeroom. After homeroom, AP english and AP math went by super quick. It was now time to go to my favorite class of the day; Art. Art was where my two other friends were; Danielle and Ryder. Danielle was the nicest person you will ever meet. Ryder was also super sweet.

Ryder and I had been friends since eighth grade. Ryder was also, may I add, extreamly attractive; Inside and out. He was super cute, and had the best personality ever. I've had a thing for Ryder ever since I met him. Unfortunently, he's way out of my limit. It's been two years now, and he's never shown a romantic interest in me. I mean if you look at me, I'm not the ideal girl; I have pimples, and I've got a little chub on me to start.

I walk into art and I sit at my round art table with Danielle and Ryder. We worked on 3D words and talked the entire time. After the bell rang, the three of us walked to lunch together. We sat at our table with Emma, Blake, and other people. We all began to talk when all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see who or what it was, but found out that it was my worst nightmare.


so that was chapter 1. not that long ig. I'll be updating frequently bc I like this story. l8er. comment and vote!!!!

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