Chapter 3

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"Oh, Hermione," said one of the Weasley twins as Victoria walked past their (now-permanent) table in the common room.

"You shouldn't worry about us," said the other. It was clear that Hermione was trying to reinforce her prefect status and stand up to the twins for selling their joke things. But in Victoria's eyes, if there wasn't an immediate problem, there was no need to fix anything.

"Are you two winding her up?" she asked, her eyebrows raised.

"No," said the twins in unison.

"Whatever gave you that idea?" asked the first.

"Looks like you need to-" began the other.

"-chill out a bit."

"Fancy a custard cream?" They offered her a plate of suspicious looking biscuits.

"No," said Victoria, a smile on her face all the same. "Hermione, can I have a quick word?" Hermione clearly thought she was in trouble from the pink spots on her cheeks. Victoria didn't recall ever speaking to her, and she only knew her name because it had been mentioned in conversation. "How's Harry doing?"

This was clearly not the question Hermione had been expecting. "Oh," she said, her face relaxing. "He''s fine."

"That's...not really fine," said Victoria frowning.

"Well," said Hermione quickly, going red again. "As fine as expected."

Victoria nodded slowly, maintaining her scowl. "Could I talk to him?" she asked, and Hermione looked confused. "I mean, would he be comfortable with it? I just want to ask him a few things about...well..."

"I don't think that's a good idea," said Hermione stiffly. "What with the Prophet-"

"I'll ask him anyway," Victoria added, "I'm just wondering when would be best."

"There isn't really a-" But before Hermione could finish, she was interrupted by Angelina Johnson.

"Hi, Victoria," she said brightly. Victoria thought this was rather odd, as she'd seen her not half an hour ago in Herbology.

"Hello-" Victoria began, but was interrupted again.

"Look, I was wondering if you'd be substitute again this year?" she asked. "Like the other years-"

Victoria swallowed the lump in her throat. "No," she said quickly, "Sorry." She turned back to Hermione, but she was gone. Tears began to sting at her eyes. How could she ever pick up her broomstick again when she associated it so much with Cedric?

"What d'you mean?" asked Angelina, frowning, but Victoria had bolted towards the door. She was not about to break down in the middle of the common room.


Despite the cold of the early morning, Victoria was sat in one of the quidditch stands, wrapped in a thick cloak, reading her charms book. It was a dry Sunday and they were a month into term, and it was safe to say that she wasn't coping. Not one bit. But she was sure she'd get there. She had to.

Deciding that what she really needed was a cup of tea, she headed up into the castle, and was delighted when she bumped into the person she most wanted to speak to. "It's Harry, isn't it?" she asked. He looked at her oddly, and for a moment she wondered why. But then she realised it was probably because he was so used to people just knowing his name.

"Er...yeah," he said slowly. Evidently the early morning wasn't fun for him.

"I knew Cedric," she said quickly. And then mentally scolded herself for her lack of tact.

"Oh," said Harry. "I didn't know you two knew each other."

"Well, we didn't really speak at school," Victoria said, ignoring the pain in her chest as they sat down at the almost empty Gryffindor table. She hated talking about him. "Look, I know you're probably sick of people asking, but do you know what's really going on? Out there, I mean?"

"You mean with Voldemort?" Harry asked, staring down at his toast.

Victoria concealed a shudder at the name. "Yeah," she said, sipping her tea.

"Not many people have asked, actually." He seemed half-relieved, and half-annoyed about it. Victoria got the feeling the annoyed part wasn't down to him not getting attention, but more the fact that no one believed him. "He's back. That's about as much as I can tell you."

Victoria frowned. "Dumbledore's not keeping you in the loop?" she asked.

"Your mum's in the Order, isn't she?" Harry asked, lowering his voice.

Victoria had no idea what he meant. "Yeah," she said quickly. "But I'm not."

"How come?" he asked, draining his pumpkin juice.

"Oh, this and that," she said dismissively.

"But you're seventeen?" Harry asked with a frown. Victoria nodded. "Then I'd go straight to Dumbledore."


Victoria knocked on the unfamiliar, heavy oak door to the headmaster's office. "Come in," called Dumbledore's voice, and she stepped inside.

He looked up, and she met his twinkling blue eyes instantly. "Ah, Miss McGonagall," he said, "This is a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?"

Victoria decided it was best to get straight to the point. "I want to join the Order," she said firmly, not quite sure what the Order actually was.

Dumbledore only smiled at her. "I'm not sure your mother would be so pleased about that."

"I'm seventeen now, sir," she pointed out. "She can't stop me."

"But I can," said Dumbledore. "Why don't you take a seat?" Victoria frowned and obliged. "Lemon drop?" he offered, gesturing to a bowl of yellow sweets.

She shook her head. "No, thank you."

  He nodded, popping one in his own mouth. "What would you like to do after school?" he asked her.

In all honesty, Victoria didn't know the answer to that. "Join the Order," she said quickly.

Dumbledore smiled. "So perhaps the Auror office?"

"If that's the best place to fight You-Know-Who," said Victoria.

"You want to help?" asked Dumbledore. Her heart leapt and she nodded her head. "To start, his name's Voldemort. And secondly, perhaps healing would be suited to you? I have some excellent contacts at St Mungos."

Victoria concealed a bitter scowl at the headmaster and hoped to Merlin he wasn't a legillimens for all the angry thoughts whirling through her head. Dumbledore smiled, eyes twinkling. Victoria returned it and stood up. "Thank you, Sir," she said stiffly.

"Anytime, Miss McGonagall," he replied, unmoving and still bloody smiling. Victoria very much wanted to kick him, but didn't, choosing to leave as quickly as she could.

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