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And all will be revealed... :)

Albus Dumbledore had only seen Minerva McGonagall in this state once before, and that was when the love of her life had died. He recalled the evening as she sobbed in his office, and the secrets the two had confided with each other.

But to be the one to break the death of her child...that had been immensely difficult. He couldn't help but wish that Victoria hadn't saved Sirius, that he had been the one to die. Breaking that news to Harry would've been easier.

"Minerva," he said quietly, and the witch looked up, her eyes wide and her face stained with tears. "Loss in war is inevitable. It's how we avenge those that we love through fighting for the good and right, that matters." Minerva didn't speak, contemplating his words as she peered at him through her fingers. She sniffed and swallowed, nodding.

"That's what she told me," she croaked. "She wanted to fight for Diggory. And for McKinnon."

Albus opened his mouth to speak, but the next moment his office door burst open and a black-haired man tore towards him. His fist collided with his nose, starkly reminding him of his furious brother many moons ago. A crack sounded throughout the room, and a second man rushed in, grabbing the first around his torso and pulling him back.

Albus flicked his wand, mending his nose and cleaning his face, before looking to the intruders. Sirius Black, looking insane and furious, and a grim looking Remus Lupin restraining him. "Sorry, Professors," said Remus quickly, avoiding the eyeline of Minerva, whose face was still tear stained. "We'll just - Sirius!" Sirius had now pulled his wand out and pushed Remus away, glaring at Albus and Minerva.

"You fucking knew!" he roared. "My own daughter!"

"Sirius," said Albus coolly. "You ought to leave. As you can see, we're rather preoccupied."

"Come on," muttered Remus, grabbing Sirius's arm. "Pads."

"She was my daughter," said Minerva quietly, glaring at Sirius with narrowed eyes. "Never yours."

"Bullshit!" roared Sirius. Albus had never seen him so angry, not when his team lost at quidditch, not when he encountered Severus, not when he'd been told earlier that day that his Godson had been ambushed. Not even when Marlene McKinnon had refused to let him meet his child before giving her away. "She's the spit of Marlene! You knew...you all knew we were together in sixth year! You knew she was mine!" He whirled round to Remus, who took a small step back from his friend. "You taught her! How could you not tell her?"

"In fairness," said Remus gently. "She thought you were a mass murderer until tonight."

Sirius finally lowered his wand, staring round at them all. "She's gone," he whispered, and Albus couldn't tell - even with legillimency - whether he spoke of his former love or estranged daughter.

"You should sit down," said Minerva, indicating the chair next to her. Sirius nodded and stepped over, dragging his feet as he collapsed into the chair. Remus met Albus's eye before taking the other seat. Albus sat back down too. "She never knew about you," Minerva said. "I myself never really knew...only suspected."

Sirius nodded, his head slowly clearing. "I knew when I saw her...just like Marlene..."

"She played quidditch too," said Minerva, reaching out and putting a hand on Sirius's shoulder. Remus interested himself in a nearby book cover. "A beater."

Sirius let out a small sob. "I played that as a sub," he said quietly. He looked quickly to Dumbledore. "What was she doing there? Was she friends with Harry? She wasn't in the Order-"

"Victoria successfully infiltrated Voldemort's forces with the promise to pass information on Harry," said Dumbledore. "I'm not certain she told them anything of use." He hesitated. "And I don't know how far she got in taking them down from the inside." Minerva let out a small noise, that she hastily turned into a cough, retracting her hand from Sirius's arm.

"If I'd just let her join the Order-" she began, looking horrified with herself.

"There's no use in blaming yourself, Minerva," said Albus. "It is a tragedy, and one that could have been avoided. But one that is in the past."

"I could blame you," sniffed Minerva, to Albus's great surprise. Certainly, he expected her to think so, but not to voice those thoughts. "You let her do this."

"That I did," said Albus, his tone grim. Sirius shifted again and Remus placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"We should go," said Remus, standing up. Sirius joined him, his eyes looking hollow and empty. "Thank you, Professors." The pair left quietly, not exchanging so much as a look.

"I'll go too," said Minerva, rising to her feet.

"Please," said Albus, "Stay as long as you need."

"No," said Minerva, "No, I'll go and get her things. She has a cat..." She trailed off, before nodding her goodbye and departing. The door closed with a light click.

Albus sighed, sitting back into his chair, before pulling out the scrap of parchment that he had in his pocket.

Victoria McGonagall had had a plan last night. She knew she was restrained by the fidellius, and there was only one way to escape such a powerful charm. Only one way she could pass on the information she'd spent months searching for.

She'd entered that battle ready to die. And when Albus had looked over her body for any sign of life, he'd found the message she needed him to receive, scrunched up in her hand. A single word that would change the world. He looked at it now.


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