Chapter eight

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Brooke's POV

I open my eyes and smile. Finn is so adorable. He's snuggled into a pillow. Shirtless. I'm totally fangirling.

Something feels off though. I leap out of bed and down the hallway to the bathroom. I puke up last nights dinner.

"Shhhh," Finn holds back my hair and rubs my back. I finish puking and sit up.

I glance back at him. His eyes shown worry. "Are you Okay?"

I smile at him and stand up. He trys to aid to me but I wave him off. I brush my teeth. Suddenly I'm rushed off my feet. I squeal and look at Finn as he carries me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I question. He shushes me. I pout and inside I'm cussing him. 'B*tch you better watch who you're talking too.' He sets me on the couch. "I'll be back," Finn says and walks off. Five minutes later he comes back with a blanket, a movie, and a trash can.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle. "You're sick," he says as if it's obvious. He puts the movie in and I say, "I can take care of myself."

He picks up my feet and sits it in his lap. Finn shakes his head. "That'd my job."

I roll my eyes then groan when He starts massaging my feet. I lean up and kiss his cheek. Damn this boy knows how to take care of a girl. I slowly drift to sleep.

I wake up to a door slamming. I jolt awake. Finn walks into the living room. He looked like he had been outside.

"Where were you?" I ask.

He hands me a small plastic bag. I look at him suspiciously and look in the bag.

A pregnancy test.

I stare at him.

Finn sighs, "you where sick this morning and I wanted you to see if it was morning sickness." I kiss his cheek, "thanks Finn."

I sit on the edge of the tub as I wait. My phone alarm goes off and I look at the results.

I show Finn and he grins.


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