Chapter 20

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Deku POV
I showed the police the message that Ochaco sent me and they told me it was gonna take a day to track it. And I'll get the call when we are going to rescue her. Two days later pro heroes and me are at the location where they had Ochaco. The plan was to sneak in and rescue her avoid fighting as much as possible and go in three man teams. We search the whole building and finally came across a room. There was Ochaco. I hug her I'm so happy to see she hasn't been hurt and that's she's ok. I thought we we're going to leave without fighting. Suddenly I feel a knife go through my stomach. I see who it was and it's toga. She tells me that she's in love with me ever since she seen me long ago. I tell her you don't even know me. Toga grabs Ochaco and put a knife to her neck. I say please don't hurt her. Ochaco doesn't waste a minute she can elbows toga in the face hard and grabs her hand that she has the knife in and puts it in toga shoulder. I grab Ochaco wrist and we run. Most of the villains have been captured and the injured heroes go to the hospital including me. I left the hospital once I was done. I go to the dorms I ask Ochaco if she can meet me in my room in a few minutes. Hey Deku Ochaco says. Hey Ochaco. I have to tell you something important. Ok Ochaco says. My quirk is called one for all. I am the holder of one for all. My quirk can be passed down to another person. All might gave me this quirk. I'm the reason why you got captured the leader all for one wants to kill me because I have one for all. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. She suddenly gives me and say Deku I love you and it's not your fault I got captured I gave myself up so they wouldn't hurt my parents. I love you too Ochaco. They kiss each other and all their worries are gone.

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