Memories Recovered

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They all stand over Asia's dead body. Issei and Y/N with a saddened look. He had his helmet off revealing this with shotgun in hand. Rias then suddenly takes out a chess piece and summons a red circle under her. Y/N grits his teeth while raising his shotgun. Rias looks at him scarce.

Rias:w-well I have to resurrect her somehow.

Issei:please Y/N,we need her back.

Y/N looked at Issei with his lips covering his teeth. He sighs and lowers his super shotgun.


She continued with her ritual, setting the chest peace on Asia's chest.

Rias:in the name of Rias Gremory I call onto Asia Argento,hear my commands! Return thy souls from the shadows of death to the human realm! Rise once more as my demon servant Rejoice for you have been given new life,wake as my healer!

Her body glowed as the chess piece sinks into her body.

Issei:so what now,is she gonna wake up?

Rias:just wait.

Suddenly,her body started to move,and eyes slowly open.

Issei: you're alive!

Asia:Issei,um am I here?

Issei immediately hugs her.

Issei:I'm so happy you're home...

Everyone smiles...well all except for Y/N. He looks away with a look of disappointment,as if he was upset this happened. Right now he was in mixed feelings. He picks up his helmet and puts it back onto his head. He starts to walk off.


He didn't stop,and only continued to walk. The group giving him confused stares.

Rias:wait,we still need to talk!

Rias tries catching up with him,but something told her to back off. Y/N gets back home and takes off his armor while walking towards his couch. He sits himself down then sighing,rubbing his face with his head back. Somewhat frustrated.

Next morning,Y/N is seen in the woods with t-shirt and ripped brown pants. He looks around while holding a large bag,he looked around while picking up objects. He then finds an action figure he had in the 2040's then fist bumps it.

Y/N smiles then puts it in the bag. He then looks around for any more figures or other objects he had. But he paused once he spots something on the ground. A purple box that he easily recognized it and quickly ran up to it. He picks it up and opens it to find a necklace with a rabbit foot on it.

He sighs in relief. He then puts the necklace around his neck with a warm smile. He then starts walking away, he'll be back for the rest another day.

But as he was exiting the woods,he sees a figure past by. He glares into trees,but after a few seconds of doing so he starts walking off. Not knowing that he was being followed.

After long hours of walking,Y/N is walking the night of Kuoh. The large inhuman figure stalked him for a long time. But he knew though,he may have not his armor,but he did have his shotgun with him. He looked around making sure no one was near as the figure got close. Y/N lashed out his shotgun.


He stopped,Asia? What was she doing here?

Asia:sorry I crept up on you like that,I just wanted to talk.

Y/N sighed before putting his shotgun away. He turned away and continued walking away.

Asia:w-wait,I still need to talk to you!

He ignored her and kept walking,but stopped once he heard something. Something on the roof, scrabbling. Asia heard it to.

Asia:what was...

A large figure drops from the building revealing to be an inhuman creature.

Stray Devil:well well well,what do we have here. A couple strolling through the night alone? Sounds like easy pickings to me~

The Stray Devil had bat like wings,but not on her back but on her arms. Brown fur covered around her body,large ears,and eyes that were barely open. Y/N quickly brought back out his shotgun and cocks it,but the Stray Devil hears this and immediately slashes at Y/N.

Claw marks for left on his shirt, but luckily not on his chest. Though he dropped his shotgun in the process. Asia screams in horror as the bat like Stray Devil pins Y/N. He dodges a few bites from her,then punches her in the face multiple times. She then pins his arms down keeping him in place.

She about to bite his head off with her large fangs but Y/N quickly realized that her body resembled too much of a bat instead of a devil. So he gets an idea.


A/N:just choose whatever you thought was cool.

The bat like devil jumped back, screaming in pain. Y/N caught his breath back and screamed again only to get clawed in the face leaving a scar. The devil started to calm down.

Stray Devil:you'll pay for that!

Y/N jumped back and froze. The devil sniffed in the air, waiting for Y/N to make a move. He realized something,since this thing is as blind as a bat it could only listen for prey. Y/N then looked at Asia who was frozen,but only in fear. The devil could hear her panting, causing it to maliciously smirk.

Stray Devil:I hear you~

Y/N grits his teeth in annoyance. She pounced at Asia but before it could grab her he dashes at Asia grabbing her. His hand was over her mouth,as he moves his face to her ear.

Y/N:*whispering*ssssshhh,she could only catch us by sound.

She was silent,but not by him telling her,but the fact that he heard his voice. Especially for the first time. The Stray Devil sniffed the air and listened for any sounds.

Stray Devil:hey that's cheating,hmph no fair.

Y/N looked at his super shotgun that was a few feet away. He tracked the Bat Devil's movement, hoping it'll turn around. Once she started to walk away a few feet Y/N let's go of Asia and dashes towards his gun. Only to get slapped by a wing and knocked back to the ground.

Stray Devil:nice try big boy,but it's dinner time~

He tries to get up but the Stray Devil was ready to finish him. But before she could even chomp down her her head was blasted into brains. Y/N had blood covered on his face though he had his casual look. The body fell on him. He looked to the side to see Asia holding his shotgun.


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