Chapter 1

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Silently, I ticked off the tests I had that day mentally... 'An AP Calculus test first, then AP physics, and lastly, AP English.' My schedule was jam packed with such events, and I could only ever focus on her studies. Kathrine, my best friend, spoke and brought me back to high school reality, "Lacey? Lacey Scott!

Snapping out of it, I replied curtly, "What?! Kathrine! Don't just scare me like that!"

"Sorry, but you were tuning everything out. The bell's gonna ring, and I heard there's a new student, and he's supposed to be really hot." 

"Sorry Kath, but you know that I can't be bothered about boys, They're only distractions and idiots."

"Oh, you won't say the same after you see this one. I heard he was the smartest kid at his last school. You're gonna melt! Let's bet on it!"

"You're on! The loser owes the winner fifty dollars. I'm not gonna fall for him!"


Homeroom was a complete disaster. A brooding boy walked in, and introduced himself as Darcy Smith. I could just tell that he was any other boy, the dark, "I don't care for anything" type. Yup, just like the ones that I hate, just my luck! Admittedly, he was quite hot, but that wouldn't be the only thing that would appeal me to a guy, he had to be deep, intelligent, and real. Unlike any other. This brooding loner sure wasn't that at all. I mean, can people seriously like guys like him? It just didn't seem right. Mrs. Blanco broke the icy silence, "Young man, I percieve that you are the new student. Darcy Smith, right?"

"That's right," he replied with a cocky smirk, "And may I just say, you eyes are seemingly endless, and luminescent."

I snickered under her breath. Kiss up.

Mrs. Blanco was a bit flustered, but she kept her cool under fire, "Empty comments get you no where, Mister."

He voiced yet another cocky reply, "Oh, but it wasn't empty. I have decided to no longer deny myself simple pleasures such as beauty to myself. And I believe in voicing my true thoughts. Only then have I really contributed to a conversation or such." 

Admittedly, I agreed with him on the fact of speaking my mind, and I could not believe that he just quoted The Fault in Our Stars. Well, paraphrased. I seem to be the only one that caught on to that fact. After all, that was one of Augustus' less popular one-liners. So, he has proven himself to be fairly smart at least.

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