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??? POV

I awoke terrified, I didn't see my bedroom I was somewhere different. I sat up to see other people a couple some I recognize. They seem to see I was up aswell.

"George!" A short male said while coming twords me with another 2 males following him. I looked at the person. "Bad?" I said while standing up only to get hugged tightly. "Your finally up! Me, Skeppy and Dream were worried about you" Bad said while looking at me.

"Dream?" I said confused while hugging back. Bad nodded while turning around and pointing at the tallest of the trio. He adorned a white mask, green sleeveless hoodie with white sleeves sticking out, black jeans that tucked into his boots of which hung below his knees. Blond hair pushed it's self over the mask and rested peacefully hiding one of the dots- eyes of the mask.

"Thats him! The one and only Dream" Skeppy said while letting Dream step forward. "Hey George" He said while hugging me tight. I hugged back as other footsteps could be heard coming close. "Now that everyone is up should we investigate here?" A very fimilar voice said "I'm getting tired of trying to keep Tommy back from running about this whole place. Before Dream could speak a voice came from behind all of us.

"WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO YOUR NEW HOMES!!" A voice said causing eveyone to turn heads. A no taller then 3 foot, blocky, eyeless boy was standing on a stage.

Voices erupted from behind us "No way" "That can't be true" and "You liar" could all be heard from differing voices. "Hush up pip-squeaks! What I said is true now get used to it. Everyone here is who will be staying with you; but until tommrrow explore and get accustomed with one another and explore!" The boy spoke before waddling off to the left side of the stage.

I looked twords the others, petrified faces all around then an outburst.

"This is all a joke! Right?! There has to be a way out..." The teen yelled out before breaking down then getting comforted by the person next to him. "Alright.. First.. Lets get introductions done" A well dressed man in glasses spoke while standing.

He started walking to the stage with someone following. "I'll go first then we'll contiue around the room. I'm Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo." Mumbo spoke.

Then it went on like that... Grian, JerraCraft, Sky, Dan, Stampy, MatPat,  Mr. Beast, Lily, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno. After introductions we decided to split off 3 groups of 4 and a group of 5.

Group 1: me, Dream, Bad and Skeppy.
Group 2: Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno.
Group 3: Sky, Dan, MatPat and stampy
Group 4: Jerra, Lily, Mr.Beast, Mumbo and Grian.

We went along and found a huge dining room, kitchen, storage for the kitchen and a staircase locked behind a iron gate.

"Dang.. This place is huge.. But why lock off a staircase?" I said while looking at it. Dream nodded while staying next to me. "No, true question why a scarf bow?" Skeppy asked while poking it. I shrugged then walked off, back to the auditorium.
Look... I like Midoir Matcha's design for George and she's an amazing flipaclip animator ⬇⬇⬇

Now let's continue, sorry about the interruption folks!

We got back to see most of the others are back, group 3 and 4. I sat down in one of the chairs to rest. "We've found a kitchen and stairs" Bad said to them then continuing "though the stairs were sealed off".

"We've found a elevator that leads to anywhere" MatPat said while pointing at it. "We've found a laundry" Grian said with a smile "stocked with everything".

I nodded as the door opened. "I found our rooms" Wilbur said "Tommy, Tubbo and Techno are already settling in". "Sweet! Lead the way!" Mr.B said while getting up.

Wilbur walked off and we followed to a cordor of doors with signs on all of them. "Dan, Sky, Dream, Bad and George you'll are on the left. Skeppy and MatPat you are on the right, last two doors. Stampy your straight ahead!" Wilbur said while pointing in the directions.

I went to my room, ready to collapse into a blissful sleep. I looked at the room, a bed, dresser, washroom the normal things. I got into bed and snuggled under the covers. As my lids grew heavy I allowed my thoughts to wonder.

Where are we? Will we get out? Does anyone notice were gone?

I yawned my last time until I drifted off into sleep.

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