The Airbenders

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Katara and Sokka looked up at the top of the iceberg, which now resembled a mountain that had just blown its top in a volcanic eruption. The siblings shared a nervous look from where they sat on the ice, Katara pressed up against Sokka, his arm around her protectively. They looked back up at the top of the iceberg to see the boy climbing up to the top. His arrow tattoos and eyes were still glowing, the same shade as the beam of light that had shot into the sky only moments before.

“Stop!” Sokka shouted, pointing his spear at the boy. The boy stood up on the edge of the ice, then the fog cleared and the wind slowed to a stop. The glow faded from the boy’s eyes and arrows as he fell over the edge of the iceberg’s top. Katara gasped and leapt forward, catching him before his head hit the ice. She looked at his face, trying to see if he was alive. Sokka immediately started poking the boy’s bald head with his spear.

“Stop it!” Katara scolded, swatting him away. She laid the boy back against the ice slope that served as a wall, hiding the inside of the iceberg from view.

The boy groaned softly, almost inaudibly, as he slowly opened his eyes. He gasped a little when he saw Katara. “I need to ask you something,” he said in a croaky voice.

“What?” Katara asked.

“Please…come closer.”

Katara did as she was asked, leaning a little closer to him. “What is it?”

The boy paused for a moment, then perked up as if he hadn’t just been stuck in an iceberg. “Will you go penguin sledding with me?”

Katara backed up a bit, surprised by both his question and his sudden energy. “Uh…sure, I-I guess.”

The boy got to his feet, but the way he did it was weird. It was like he was levitating, controlling the air around him. Katara stood up and backed up a bit.  “What’s going on here?” the boy asked as he looked around.

“You tell us!” Sokka said in shock. “How’d you get in the ice?! And why aren’t you frozen?” He poked the boy with his spear again.

“I’m not sure,” the boy said as he absentmindedly swatted Sokka’s spear away. Something made a grumbling sound from the other side of the ice wall and the boy gasped, climbing over the wall. Katara and Sokka shrugged at each other as they walked around to the other side of the wall. Sokka’s jaw dropped at what they saw.

The boy was trying to lift the big bison thing by the upper lip. After a few tries, its tongue came out and lifted the boy into the air, who laughed and said “You’re okay!” as the bison set him down. The boy rubbed its nose as the creature got to its feet. The bison had six legs that looked like tree stumps, a large flat tail like a koala-otter’s, but other than that it looked like a normal bison. Its fur was an ivory color and it had a brownish arrow on its head that ran down the length of its back to the end of its tail, leaving stripes along the back perpendicular to the arrow.

“What is that thing?” Sokka asked.

“This is Appa,” the boy answered, one hand on the bison’s nose, “my flying bison.”

“Right,” Sokka said with a roll of his eyes. “And this is Katara, my flying sister.” He gestured to Katara, who shot him a look in annoyance.

Appa breathed in a few times before the boy yelled “DUCK!” and Appa blew snots all over Sokka, who made sounds of disgust as he wiped his face in the snow.

“Don’t worry, it’ll wash out,” the boy said.

“BLEEHHH!” Sokka said as Appa’s snot clung to his cheek as he tried to wipe the snot off. Katara put a hand over her mouth to keep herself from throwing up. Finally, he managed to get the vast majority of it off of his face and clothes.

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