Seeking Answers

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Sura: looks at the indicator, raises her head looking at Sai, and confidently says "the voids are gone"

Sai: any place to head to?

Sura: points a location on the indicator

Sai: ok then let's hurry up, it won't be long before they reach us

Yonah: are you sure there won't be more ahead?

Sai: puts his hand on Yonah's head and with a smile radiating positivity, says "don't be afraid sweetie, we've overcome tougher situations before"

Yonah: the fear controlling her face vanishes by seeing the confident Sai showed

They start running toward the building, Sai flies SB as they are approaching it, the door opens and They enter the building, seeing a large room ends by being divided into four small rooms, everything shines a new, neither a scar nor a break, as if the building hasn't been touched

Sai: I will investigate the rooms, stay here, moves to investigate the rooms, sees skeletons lying in beds, every room has one, looks at them and smiles while speaking to himself "how lucky? How fortunate did you get to have such an end... I'm happy for you leaving in such a peaceful sleep" closes the rooms and returns to Sura and Yonah and says "honey, how much energy do we have? "

Sura: About 79 NUOE, should I start the protective protocol, or save it for SB?

Sai: with such energy, I would prefer fighting all of the seekers than dealing with one void, also I don't think the seekers will take the risk of getting this far, and even if they do come, we will be ready

Yonah: with weary eyes and a broken smile says "dad, can I ask you something?"

Sura: with a confused look, says "what's wrong, sweetie?"

Yonah: how can the seekers... Be that bad?

Sai: what brought such a question in your mind?

Yonah: dad, I still hear their screams... It's been four days... Inhales hardly while holding the tears and continues saying "but that scene keeps rotating in my head, over and over and over... I relived that scene so many times since then, no matter how hard I try to forget, it keeps coming back... The seekers were laughing, How could they laugh? They were killing people, they were ceasing lives! How could they laugh while doing so!"

Sai: sigh, look sweetie... Well... There's something I call... the barrier, it's thin but not weak one, it separates between two sides, the good bright side and the dark bad side, each time you want to do something wrong this barrier will try to hold you back, preventing you from going to the other side, once a person proceeds to cut through, the barrier will be weakened and easier to get through, each time a person proceeds to that dark side, he will be drowned deeper and deeper... Until he will never find his way back to the light

Yonah: looks at the ground for a second, then raises her head, looking at Sai in the eyes, and says "will we become like them someday?"

Sai: no sweetie, we won't... We will always keep following the light

Three hours later

Sura: Sai, Yonah wake up someone is coming, he has a high level of SCTNP, so he's most likely young, 14-16 years old

Sai: fuck, why would someone of such age come alone? Looks at Sura and Yonah, and says "let's go as planned"

Sura and Yonah: understood

Sai: lies on the ground acting as if he's paralyzed

Someone breaks the door, throws an electrical grenade, and then enters

Seeker: points an electrical gun at Sai checking if he's conscious

Sai: strikes the seeker's leg, knocking him down

Sura: shows up and points a gun at the seeker

Sai: stands up and points a gun at the seeker

The seeker: quickly stands up and points an electrical gun at Sai and Sura, moving it between them

Sai: if it weren't for your monstrosity and cannibalism, you wouldn't be in this situation, eating people alive just to slightly increase your SCTNP... What kind of humans are you! Looks at the seeker, seeing the wrath his face holds, Sai shakes his hand, saying to himself "who am I fooling.... He's not even listening" exhales the anger within and with a soft voice says "go on, toss everything you have and go away, we won't do you any harm"

Seeker: moves his hand quickly into his pocket

Sai: shoots the seeker's left leg

Seeker: falls to the ground, holding his leg and crawling left and right screaming "my leg... Oh... MY LEG!!!"

Sai: sigh, moving his head left and right, he says with disappointment manifested on his face "I just hoped it wouldn't end this way" turns his head and shouts "hey Yonah, come on let's hurry before the others come"

Yonah, Sai, and Sura start moving

Seeker: come here you bastards, I'll come for you! As he sees them going far, the tears he was holding started bursting out, he shouts "wait... I can't... I can't leave her to die... Please I'll do whatever you want, just don't let my sister die, please she's the only thing I have... If I won't go back they will take what's left of her... Please co..." The voice is fading as they continue moving

Yonah: With sadness penetrating her words says "dad, why didn't you shoot him with an electrical gun? He will possibly die now!"

Sai: I couldn't take any chances... If he had enough EGs, the resulted electrical wave would destroy SB, even our electrical shields won't be able to resist it

Yonah: with a furious confused face says "you weren't even sure! What about his sister?"

Sura: faces Yonah, kneels to the ground, holds Yonah's chin with her right hand, and says "There's nothing we could do sweetie... If it turned out like what your father said, we all would have died not only him"

Yonah: while looking at Sura says "ok, I get it mom" then lowers her head looking at the ground, and as she continues walking, she starts talking to herself "chances? He may die because of those chances! But, would it be right to risk our lives for such a person? Is he a bad person? He's trying to do something good by helping his sister but... He is causing suffering along the way... Does that make him a bad person? That's why our lives are more important? But... If he's a bad person for doing so... Does it mean my parents are bad too?

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