Chapter One

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In a small village in the south of Dorset on a unusually sunny Monday morning a 11year old girl with blue eyes as deep as the pacific ocean glared with boredem into the uneven abyss of untamed countyside. I, Jessica floped onto her neatly made bed and began to read my "god approved" books - well thats what my mam calls them any way-and the hours dragged on as if they were days and finally 5 hours later I finished the 1900 paged book named the bible- yes mother makes me rad the bible and not only once- every week since I was 4 years old. I can recite every page backwards by the time I was 8.

I dragged my self into my brothers tip of a bedroom and slumped on the chair infront of his writing desk without being phases by my elder brothers stare that screamed 'what are you doing!', but I ignored him and told him how unfair it was that there was no one around to play with or talk to. Now this was not unusual for me as I had no one else to talk to but I nevr stormed into her brothrs room before, she usually waits for him to come into hr room to collect laundry.

"Do u mind?" Asked Ethan

"No not really" cockly replied Jess

Ethan was some dumbstruck that he let her continur until she skipped bck into her room to write out half of the bible as hr mother requested.

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