-Her Name-

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                                                                Jonah P.O.V.

        I place my boots on top of the desk in my first period class. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I take it out. ‘Text Message from: Joey’ displays on my phone screen. I press my thumb to the  notification and it brings up my messages. 

        Joey:  YOOO!! Party at my place tonite at 10 You coming?

        I bite my lip and think for a second, then I reply to Joey. ‘Totally dude’. I press send and lock my phone again.  Just then, a gust of wind shoots through Mr. DuGray’s classroom. I look up and see her. ‘Are you serious?! Her?!’  I growl lowly at her and the brown haired girl from administration takes her seat in  the front of the classroom.

        I roll my eyes at her. Typical goodie goodie. But I do admit, she's pretty hot. I push my absurd thoughts away just as our new teacher walks in and clears his throat to get the classes attention.

        "Okay, class. I'm Mr. DuGray, your History teacher. I'm going to take roll, then we can get started on what I have planned for today." His voice booms throughout the room and he paces back and forth before finally settling in his desk chair. Mr. DuGray clicks on his laptop and them starts calling names, "Estelle Adkins..?" He calls out. The brown haired girl shoots up in her seat and calls out a  'Here.'.

        Wait a second. Adkins? Estelle Adkins..that sound so familiar. Then it clicks.

        Elijah Adkins. Estelle was Eli's twin sister he always talked about. Estelle was his 'green bean'.. But, how come I never met her? Or even know that she was even his sister, especially his twin sister. Elijah always talked about her. How she was so smart and defiant. But, he never introduced her.

        "Jonah Reyes? Jonah Reyes?" I hear my name repeated. I snap out of my thoughts, shaking my head.

        "Oh, uhm, here. Sorry.." My voice falters. I see Estelle look back at me from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes..

        I shake my head furiously again and pull out my phone. I press on a message Joey sent me in reply and read it.

        Joey: Awesome!! All seniors are coming. Its gonna be so fun!

        I decide to only focus on the party tonight and push all excess thoughts away from my mind.  I play games on my phone aimlessly until the bell rings for second period. I slowly stand up and walk out.

        "Ahem. Jonah, stay back a second. Will you?" Mr. DuGray stops before I can exit his classroom.

        I stop and walk back over to him, letting the people that trail behind me pass and leave before I can. "Yeah?" I question him.

        "Do you even know what we learned today?" His brown eyebrows raise as he looks up at me from his chair.

        I look away and shove my hands in my pockets. "Uh..yeah. Of course I do. W-We learned, uhm, we learned about-" I get interrupted my Mr. DuGray chuckling at my shaky voice and fail of making a good enough excuse.

        "Maybe you looked at the board instead staring at Estelle you would know." He retorts with a triumphant grin. My cheeks flush and I feel the heat radiate in them. I rub the back of my neck, embarrassed at his come-back.

        "I'm sorry." I apologize.

        He shakes his head and turns to his laptop. "See you tomorrow, Jonah. And pay attention next time." He adds. I shuffle out quickly with a goodbye and head to my next class.  

        'Fuck!' I think to myself with a big sigh.


        Hey guys!! It's Olivia here! We appreciate that you have taken the time to read our story. Last time I checked, we had 19 views. Even though it may not seem like much, but it is for us. Thank you so much!

        Have a great day/night!

                                                                                xoxo -Olivia ;)


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