Just me and Kuroo

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Your POV
Me and Kuroo continued to talk as Kenma came back and then I received a message, I check my phone and see it's from Hinata.

Sunshine boy

Sunshine boy: Hey babe! How is it going with you and your friends?

Y/N: Oh it's going amazing! How about you and the volleyball team? I will come soon to hang out with you guys.

Sunshine boy: It's going good, and ok we will wait at the park for you.

Kuroo's POV
I see Y/N texting someone on her phone so I ask. "Hey shorty, who are you texting?" I ask her and she smiled. "Oh it's just my boyfriend!" She giggled smiling. "Oh.. I see, so what's his name?" "Shoyo Hinata!" She said proudly smiling "I really love him, I don't know what I'd do without my little ball of sunshine, oh! He's also an amazing volleyball player!" She continued on as it turns out Kenma was recording us but I never noticed. Kenma stopped and sent the video to Hinata.

Hinata's POV
I continue walking with the guys in a slump until my phone buzzes, it's from Kenma I open it up and it's about Y/N saying how much she loves me and how good I am at volleyball. I smile and Suga and Yams see me smile and they take a look at the video and listen to it which made them smile. "See I told ya she loves you~." Suga hummed being a happy mother again with Yamaguchi nodding. "Yeah I guess you all where right." I smiled. "Of course we are, were always right." Tsukishima said bluntly as always. I smile and continue walking while talking with Suga.

Your POV
Me and Kuroo get up and head out Kenma already said he went home by texting both of us. We walk as our hands brush against each other I didn't really care as Kuroo held my hand I smiled a bit and once Kuroo let go of my hand I jumped on his back. Kuroo smiled at me while I lay my head on his shoulder


Your POV
Later that day it was dark by now and I was with Hinata at his house. We were watching his little sister, me and his little sister kept talking about Yuri On Ice. We start playing and everything as she soon leaves to go get something as Hinata looked at me and said. "Y/N, do you like Kuroo more than a friend?" He asked as I shook my head rapidly and goes and sit on Hinata's lap hugging him tightly. "No, plus he's not my type you are!" I exclaimed and kiss his nose smiling bright at him

Alright I know what your all thinking and no! I wasn't dead school started so 'yay' slow updates! Okay but that's all for this chapter sorry it's so short I'll see you all in the next chapter bye ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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