7) Even if it's the last thing I do

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*TW: references to suicide*

Niall's POV-

I'm worried about Harry. We've noticed his change in moods and his constant quietness, especially when writing songs. I think he believes his songs are bad because Simon is an asshole who always turns them down. Even a blind man can see Simon's clear dislike for Harry. I don't get it though, he is fine with Lou just not H. I don't even know why we still let Simon choose our songs, because all of Harry's songs are fantastic and could multiply listeners if we put them in, he has raw emotion in his songs. He has pure unearthed talent.

But even out of his writing, you can see him slowly disengaging more and more during interviews. His smile is dimming, which shatters every bone in my body, because for many his smile is why they wake up. For some all they need is to see harry's glowing smile to keep going, I for one am definitely one of those. He is my best friend and to see him hurting puts a whole in my heart the size of an iceberg and if Harry sinks, well the whole ship goes down. The world could not survive without THE Harry Styles, it may not know it yet but I can definitely see it.

"Guys are you worried about Harry too? I know we are supposed to be writing right now but I can't get my mind off it," Zayn asks. Liam, Zayn and I are in a writing meeting right, Louis and Harry are at home recovering from Harry's mishap the other night. Another reason I'm worried, Harry's never been one to freak out over paparazzi before so for that to happen something must truly be going on, I didn't get the full story just a quick phone call from Lou saying they won't be coming today but that was enough to make my stomach drop.

"Yeh I am, he's gotten really quiet and I don't know if he's eating properly because he's getting skinnier and paler," Liam said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I agree, I'm really scared guys. If I lost Harry I don't know what I would do," I added.

"Yeah and imagine how destroyed Louis would be, and our fans they would probably break. They all rely on Harry so much without even realising it," Liam said.

"I know I think the world would flip without him, there is no way it would be the same ever again," Zayn said, I nodded in reply.

"Do you think it's because of Simon?" I asked quietly almost as if he could hear, which he couldn't cause he was at his house.

"I think partially yes, and because of all of this secrecy and the band, and the tour and not being able to see Darcy as much. I think it's all adding up, I'm scared the pressure will become too much and he'll pop," Zayn replied, sounding very nervous.

"Do you think he would leave the band?" Liam asked.

"That's not what I'm worried about. I'm scared that he might do worse than just leave the band," Zayn countered. I didn't understand at first what he meant, but it all came down like a truck when I understood.

"Do you actually think he would do that?" I asked, starting to cry at the thought.

"I don't know but I'm scared he might if it keeps getting worse," Liam responded sounding a little distraught at the thought as well.

"We need to make sure it doesn't get to that point. Everything in our power we need to do to help." Zayn spoke firmly.

"Most definitely," Liam and I said at the same time.

"Good, then it's agreed. We help him even if it means him having to leave the band in the end," Zayn said

"Yep, even if it means having to leave," I said sadly, agreeing with Zayn's statement but hating thought of the possible outcome from the situation.

"Ok, now let's write a killer song and think of ways to go about this," Liam said, and we all got work.

We will help Harry. I will help Harry. Even if it's the last thing I do.



So we haven't heard much from the other lads so here is this and kinda their take on the whole situation. I hope you had a fabulous day, as always.


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