part 11: avada kedavra

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Ron's pov:

"Remember our deal?" I began reading quietly, "-the dog has two days before he ingests the poison fully, the Wolfsbane will completely obliterate him from the inside-out..." I paused, taking a short break to gulp as the rest of the words lingered ahead, "-you know what to do."

Mia's eyes were shimmering with guilt and fright as I finished the rest of the letter. Her fingers fiddled with one another, wrapping over her thumbs in a little nerve-racking game.

"We've read the letter over and over-" Harry reminded, standing to his feet, "-it's not going to get any better."

I closed the envelope once more, tossing it onto the table.

"We need to think of a way out of this-" I intervened, taking a seat beside Mia, "-Harry doesn't have to die...and neither does Fang or whoever else is targeted next." She looked up at me and offered a weak, frightened smile.

Harry whirled around, looking at me with a wide-eyed, big-hair look, "They're going to go after someone I care about next! I can't lose anybody else, Ron!"

I swallowed deeply at these words. Harry was right. If he lost Hermione or me, he would be devastated...never truly living again, just breathing from day-to-day. I understand where he's coming from... if I ever lost any of my siblings...or friends...I would be heartbroken.

Glancing over at Mia, I noticed she was inspecting the letter carefully. She had done this nearly five times before, but this time...she had a new glimmer in her eyes...a new sparkle of a fresh mind.

"Harry?" she began, eyeing the paper carefully.

His eyes lowered to the letter cautiously, but slowly made their way up to hers, "Yes?"

She handed him the parchment gently.

"It is quite obvious that our culprit likes to use hidden messages...suggested through one example," she looked over at me, suggestedly, "-Fang-" she pushed herself up from her cushion, beginning to pace in front of the hearty fire as she explained, her hands talking for her with their choppy, explanatory motion,"-what if they left us another message, and we're looking at it all wrong?" she hurriedly swiped the parchment from the table and eyeballed it once more. Soon, her eyes were swaying among us, "-maybe he left some sort of clue as to who they are."

Harry's eyes lit with excitement. 

"Brilliant!" his lips creased upwards into a large, hefty smile. A smile that gave us all a sense of hope for what lay beyond.

She joined him in a small grin, but wasted no time throwing the paper onto the table. We all looked down at it...even Draco seemed rather curious at her idea. Looking down at it, my stomach rumbled with excitement, and swarmed with intense feelings...this was what would determine our next move, this was what could save Harry.

Mia's pov:

I placed a hand carefully over the letter, hovering my fingers over the grittiness of the parchment. I was boiling with heated nerves, if I was wrong...not only would it be embarrassing, but would also lead us to another dead end. I took a deep breath, looking back at the three boys standing beside me.

"Aparecium-" I whispered, staring intently down on the pages.

Our eyes all watched in sequence...the four of us eager to see the truth revealed on the pages. If we could just have one little thing...just one...then Harry could be better kept out of danger. My stomach sunk in a stinky pit.

After a few seconds...all of our spirits quickly raced downwards. Nothing happened. Not a single thing.

"Great-" Harry mumbled over my shoulder. I heard his sigh fainlty in my ear, I knew he was sad...who wouldn't be? 

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