What A Day!

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The sky's draped in this heavy darkness, like it's playing hide-and-seek behind those thick misty clouds, being all shy and quiet. But here I am, boldly stomping through this crazy forest, trying to find my way.

For a moment, the moon peeks out, offering a glimmer of hope, but then once again it's gone, swallowed by the mist, leaving me with the drakness.

The wolves start their howling concert, while the coyotes sneak out from their hiding spots, like they're switching places with the sun and moon, opposites but always hanging out together.

Giving each other a cold stare, I knew it was time to bolt. So, I dashed into the dark forest, sprinting through the shadows. Then, I heard this creepy noise from the bushes. Heart racing, I peeked, and there were these red eyes staring at me. I took off running, thinking they were following, but when I looked back, they were just some bats. Feeling a bit relieved, I moved forward, but was too tired to keep going.

"Where did those bats even came from ugh!!", I said to myself panting more and more each time for air.

"Well they did an A+ job giving me a good scare", I kept murmuring.

Exhausted and feeling like I'm stuck in a loop, I stopped, and then out of the blue, I heard a mysterious voice. It's quaint and low, more like a wishper. "Follow me" . Feeling confused, I try to move, but grabbed by a grip that feels familiar. I'm stuck, unable to break free. I feel a sharp pain shoot through me as the grip tightens.

My alarm suddenly goes off, startling me, roll out of bed, sheets tangled around me, and bonk my head on the floor.

"Ow, that hurt," I mutter. "Thankfully, just a dream. A weird one, though. Must be those late-night movies."

I get up, turn off the alarm-it's 7 a.m. already-and The smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen made my stomach grumble.

I slowly made my way to the window and opened it, eager to take in the view. What met my eyes was a sky so clear and beautiful. Usually, in winter, it's all cloudy and grey, but today it's like a pearl. Bright and clear, like it's shouting, "Hey, spring's here!" The snow on the grass looks all fresh and lovely. And the streets are still kinda wet from the snow and rain.

The wind drifted into my room, stirring my long black hair away from my neck and sending chills down my bare skin. It feels like a fresh start to the morning. If this weather keeps up, maybe I can forget about that weird dream.

Glancing at the clock "Yikes! It's already 7:30, I'm gonna be late to school!!", I ran towards shower.

I may not be geek but I for sure know that you don't wanna be late on your first day as a freshman.

I wore my black jeans and a leather jacket upon a white sleeveless top and threw on some boots.

As I came down for breakfast, the fresh scent of pancakes and coffee dancing through the air, landing on nose, well off to a great start already. As I was busy taking in the scent of the baked goods, I got hit by reality with a loud yell from aunt Cass.

"You two better zip it until I have my sweet morning coffee or you're both going to be next pancakes I burn" she screamed almost losing her sanity.

She might have missed her coffee this morning, only way to explain the show before. Aunt Cass is probably the most sane person in the house. And no one can get on her nerves like my innocent brother and my fashionista cousin. I found myself a seat, greeting my uncle Kevin beside me and started serving myself with some pancakes, honey dripping on them. While I'm enjoying my delicious pancakes, I caught Justin staring at me. He hates it when I eat without inviting him.

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