~Just a... dream..!?~

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~Oikawa's POV~
"Babe.. what are you doing!?"
My heart started racing, not slowing down. The atmosphere was so heavy, the tension. I hated it.

I turned around to see my boyfriend, Koūshi Sugawara. He's crying, then I look back at Terushima and he's passed out.

"Baby- I-"


My eyes dart open, I was in a cold sweat.
'What the hell..?'
I look at the clock and see it's 5:48 am. I turn to the opposite side of the bed to see nothing.

'Where's Koūshi..?'

I get up and search the entire house, absolutely no sign of him. That's weird.

My phone starts ringing

"Iwa-Chan 😷💅 Is calling you"
I click the green button.
"Oi! ShittyKawa, where tf are you!?"
"I'm still at home, do we have practice?"
"Yeah I'm like- 10 min dude."
"Ok- I'll be there soon. Is Koūshi there?"
"Who..? Oh- do you mean Karasonu's extra setter?"
"Extra setter..? No- he joined our team-"
"How much did you drink last night Oikawa? Sugawara is still a crow dude."
"Yeah- uh- Ttyl Maki is chasing Mad-Dog."
"Iwa-Chan 😷💅 has ended the call."

Wait- that was just a dream..? It felt..

So real..

No way that was a dream

Iwa-Chan must be pulling a prank on me, right..?

I'm not going insane.. that was not a dream.

Was it..?

Hehe- cliffhangerrrrr you guys are gonna hate me 😭😭
Anyways- uh- that was a turn of events-
Yee- uh thx for 3k reads. 💕🥰😤
A new chapter- or part 2 should be published either today or tomorrow. So enjoy.
Hopefully you guys don't hate me- 😭
This idea just- came to meeeeeee
So- yeah.
285 words

~Dino has Signed out~

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