Rodents of Unusual Size

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"No." The response was curt and certain, without any room for anything other than its answer.

"It'll be quick, I swear!"

"No." This time it came out even firmer than the first time.

"Ulgar, you're being a stick in the mud, come on- I don't want to walk alone." Luca frowned as he tilted his head up at the lengthy boy before him. They presently stood at the edge of the Astra's ramp down, still turning despite nobody being on it. In fact, nobody was really around in general. They were alone on the sandy shore of an unnamed planet and most everyone was inside, except perhaps Kanata who tended to stray around the ship at this time of day.

"Well, figure it out." Ulgar shrugged, turning on his heel towards the ship's ramp.

"Oh come on, part of you wants to go, right? Otherwise you wouldn't have come!" Luca bounced on his toes excitedly, "Zach said he couldn't find any predatory animals or plants listed on this island, just some fish and rodent-ish things, we'll be fine." The small boy bounced in front of Ulgar, providing a wide grin, "Please?"

Ulgar rolled his eyes, "I'm not takin' my chances and neither should you." He narrowed his dark eyes.

"Oh? It almost sounds like you'd care if something happened to me~ Such character development~" Luca teased, leaning forward with his arms crossed behind him.

Ulgar gave the boy a light shove on the shoulder and walked around him back to the edge of the ramp, "Kanata would have my head if he thinks at all that it's my fault you're gone."

"So it would be in your best interest to come with me if I go for a wa~alk?" Luca pressed his tongue between his teeth.

"Not worth it. I'd rather Kanata try and kill me then get killed out there." The lengthy boy stepped onto the ramp, allowing it to pull him up with his back to Luca.

"Ulgar!" Luca protested with a squeak.

"Sorry you chose death." Ulgar didn't turn around as he neared the entrance of the ship, lifting a hand to do a mock salute before carding a hand through his hair. This prompted his beanie to tip back and fall off his head, past the ramp and to the sandy shore where Luca stood. Ulgar's eyes widened and he quickly turned around, meeting Luca's bright eyes a moment too late.

The lavender-haired boy made a dive for the beanie before booking it into the woods.

"LUCA!" Ulgar roared, and in a matter of seconds, had jumped off the side of the ramp and was sprinting after the smaller.

Luca immediately felt the adrenaline kick in with the bellowing he heard behind him, kicking up sand behind him as he reached the treeline of the woods surrounding the beach of the foreign planet's island. Kanata was wrong when he said there were no predators around here, he hadn't accounted for Ulgar.

Blue eyes widened significantly as Luca reached a thick row of trees, he gripped the beanie tightly, looking left and right before realizing he'd have to go up. Placing the beanie gently in his mouth, Luca took a running start at a larger tree, gripping the trunk and pulling himself up as fast as he could, reaching one of the lower branches and catching his breath.

Ulgar broke through the bushes a few feet away seconds later, a look of pure rage on his face, letting out a snort as he looked around to find that Luca had disappeared.

"Luca I'm going to kill you if I find you, bring it back now." Ulgar snarled, glaring around wildly.

Luca felt a sudden, genuine fear for his life. Ulgar didn't sound like he was kidding.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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