- A Thank You to Her Heart -

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A Thank You to Her Heart


As she dozed,
I placed a feeble hand upon her heart.
As her chest rippled upon my touch,
I cried a mere "Thank you!" to her heart.

I prove myself grateful every night for those deft beats,
to which kept her safe all these years
she lived devoid of my affections,
my protection and undying awe.

I would live a life bleak and naive,
unbeknownst to what could have been,
acute to anything besides my own ego,
which only brings forth superficiality.

But instead I spend my days in gleam,
encapsulated in utter content and humbleness.
I refuse to take this for granted.

For her mortal heart is not colossal,
Yet, it's drumming proves to be the only thing keeping us close, my love and I.
The only thing.

I lifted my hand from her chest, a soft yet glowing red blossoming onto my cheeks.

My love had a beating heart,
as long as that fact stayed true,
it was all I could ever ask for.



Explanation and insight:

I remember waking up one day, with this thought in mind... "We can't control out hearts beating, yet, if our hearts stopped beating, we would die. This small organ gets to decide everyday whether we live or not. And we have no say. It's that simple."

This poem shows a scene based on that thought.
It portrays a girl placing her hand upon her sleeping lover's personified heart, feeling the need to thank it for beating. Ultimately, being grateful that her heart chose to keep her lover alive for yet another day.

She never wants to take her girlfriend's life for granted, as she brought much color into her life. She's going to love the girl through thick and thin until her heart stops.


- photo creds - "Bloom Into You"



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