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At age 9, she used to get nosebleeds because of her sinus. Poor baby! :(

No one's POV
Ava, Lizzy's mother cleaned the dinner table and finished washing dishes. It was only 11pm. Earlier, she dropped off Lizzy and Blanket to school but handed their teacher a giant roll of tissue alongside a bottle of gummy bears aka her medicine. The whole family was aware of her sinus problem which starts her nosebleeds. The doctor gave her medicine to treat it after she eats. Lizzy's homeroom teacher and Ava had to be in charge of her medicine care since there's an uncertainty she'll bleed anytime or anywhere. Especially whenever Grandma Katherine and Grandpa Joe babysits them. Hopefully, nothing could go wrong during another school day. Her phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her pocket and answered. "Hello? Yes, I'm her mom. What?! Is she alright? Did she bleed on the floor?! Ok, I'll be there!" She said worriedly. She hung up and ran upstairs to her bedroom to grab her purse. Ava made a beeline downstairs and left the house.

******In principal's office******

He smiled sadly. "I'm sorry for what happened. We're willing to have our school nurse help with Lizzy's condition." He said. Ava shifted herself comfortably on the chair and sighed. "Thank you so much." She thanked him. Standing beside him was Lizzy and Blanket's homeroom teacher Mrs. Tapsell. She smiled apologetically with her arms behind her back formally. "What really happened Ms. Jackson was Lizzy somehow refused to take her medicine. During lunchtime, her nose bled instantly onto her shirt and mouth. I strictly informed her to take the gummy bear when I took her to the nurse." She explained. Ava nodded in understanding. "It's alright. This isn't her first accident anyway but I'll handle her stubbornness. A pretty tough little girl." She said, smirking at the last part.

Mrs. Tapsell kindly chuckled. "She is." She agreed.

The principal returned the gesture. "Ok. Lizzy's allowed to go home early and Mrs. Tapsell will inform the nurse about her condition. Have a good day, Ms. Jackson." He said politely. Ava smiled and got off the chair. "Thank you, you both too." She said as she exited the office.

At home, a bandaged-nose Lizzy was watching TV while drinking tea. It's supposed to stop the external bleeding in her sinus. "Don't you ever put yourself or me in that situation again." Ava said firmly. She pouted, putting the cup on the end table. Ava crossed her arms. "I'm not letting you get any more sick if you keep skipping the medicine." She said through gritted teeth. Lizzy frowned. "Mommy, I hate my nose. It gives me too much problems. I can't even eat without bleeding nor kids being scared around me." She whined. She was on the verge of crying. Ava smiled sadly, holding her close to her chest. "I know how hard it is babygirl. You just gotta accept that these things happen and they're apart of life. Sometimes you'll get bumps, bruises or a little scratch on your arm. But then you dust yourself off and get better. Just like when me and Daddy took care of Paris when she was sick. I promise this will be gone but you have to stay healthy in order to get better. That means never stop taking your medicine after you eat, ok?" She assured. Lizzy wiped her long tear and nodded. Ava kissed her forehead, rubbing her hair. "I'm sorry Mommy. I'll keep taking it." She promised. She giggled and hugged her little bundle of joy.

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