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She was a cheerleader for Keaton's Wildcats at 13.

🌹🌹🌹🌹Lizzy POVKeaton's basketball game was starting

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Lizzy POV
Keaton's basketball game was starting. Like Lexi said, it is a huge event. Everybody was in the gymnasium. The first half was Wildcat fans with candy, confetti poppers, popcorn boxes and the Wildcat Tiger mascot. The second half was West-High Knights's crowd with the same things including their mascot. I've been practicing the dance routine I worked with the Wildcat cheerleaders for four weeks. This makes me hella excited! Emma nudged my shoulder. "Ready Queen?" She joked, smirking. I laughed and nodded. WestHigh Knight cheerleaders made eye contact and smirked meanly. Emma put up the middle finger. Our team laughed. WestHigh Captain Jayla growled. "You wanna battle me? Huh? Little Jackson?" She said. I fake chuckled and crossed my arms. "Girl, I don't need battles to teach you R-E-S-P-E-C-T. There's one word and it's D-A-N-C-E." I sassed. Jayla smiled, motioning the girls to get in the middle of the gym. Our cheer performances were first before the game starts. We watched confidently as their dance song played. Oh lord.

(WestHigh Cheerleaders are the cool kids, Lizzy and the Wildcats are the geeks!😉🤪)

I don't know what happened. Somehow both cheer teams ended up dancing together. Jayla called a nice truce. Both crowds cheered loudly, loving our performance. Emma smiled and high five me. I high five back. Everyone cheered again when the basketball teams joined the floor.
"Alright girls, you know what to do!" I shouted. Some of them nodded. We got in our cheer position and did our cheer routine. "Here we go, Wildcats! Here we go! Here we go, Wildcats! Here we go!" We cheered. Emma backed away and cartwheeled into one backflip. She smiled, cheering. Our team scored 26 and the Knights had 21. I danced with Emma as one of our team players dribbled the ball from our opponent team. "LIZZY!" A big voice called. I turned to the audience to see Mom smiling and waving. Oh my sweet goodness. I know she's came to watch but I'm literally surrounded by nobody but clique of friends. I smiled sheepishly, waving and pretending I didn't know her at the same time. She smirked knowingly. We cheered happily once Wildcats scored 27 points. "Here we go Wildcats! Here we go! Here we go Wildcats! Here we go!" We chanted. The Wildcat fans shouted the same chant with strong loud voices. Only one team has to win this last round for the game. The referee called for a timeout because a West High Knight injured his left knee. Wow. We stopped cheering for small talk. "Hopefully, this is our best luck." Emma said. I scoffed and crossed my arms. "Emmy, let's not be rude. Any athlete gets injured in a game. Although it does help!" I said, smiling at the last part. She chuckled before picking up her water bottle from the bench. I drank mine and made eye contact with Jayla. She fake smiled. Guess we're back to enemies again...because it's the last round.

After a two minute break, the teams returned to the floor which erupted into loud cheers and claps. The referee whistled and the ball got thrown to West High Knights. Oh shit. The ball kept switching to either Wildcats or Knights players until our basketball captain got the ball. He smiled, running and jump-shot the ball into the net. We cheered crazily with our Pom Poms. They scored 29! We won! We won! The team cheered loudly as the roaring fan club did. Emma hugged me tightly. I laughed and hugged back. Mom smiled widely. Jayla growled, walking pass me alongside the Knight cheer girls. Emma playfully rolled her eyes.

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