Chapter 3

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I returned to the slytherin common room and as i sat down i instantly regretted how i had been so rude to Fred earlier. Ive always hated that side to me. I am a malfoy and as much as i act proud of it deep down I longed for nothing more then love. The only love i had experienced previously was the love i shared with my Brother but everyday Draco grew more and more like our cold blooded father.

Bordem soon overtook me so i decided as it was still early evening i would head to the library. The library was quiet, only one boy was there. Cedric Diggory. Although not a bad person he was infact a hufflepuff. I couldnt stand the stereotypes people told me of hufflepuffs and so although i earlier scolded my brother for quick judgement i found myself a hypocrite. I found a book to read and sat down at the table furthest from Cedric. 'Hamlet' was the book i chose, it's always been my absolute favourite. Perhaps it grasped my inner slytherin with its dark storyline but either way i had read it many times. I looked up to see Cedric looking in my direction he smiled and got up, walking towards me.

"Hamlet, what a peculiar cho-"
He was cut off by a scream.

"What in bloody merlins beard is happening out there" i asked.

My question was soon answered by a scream "TROLL"

I looked at cedric completely unsure of what to do who seemed to result to the same thing .

"Dont just look at me Diggory, would you rather be the trolls feast? Go to your bloody huffleypuffly commen room!" I snapped.

I laughed as he ran off still trying to act 'cool'. Honestly i couldnt care less on the other hand if there was a troll no doubt good old Dumbledore will see to it. On the plus side i finally got the library all to myself.

As a result of the screaming continuing i decided to look around as my curiosity got the better of me. I seen both Harry and Ron go into the girls bathroom and i only hoped it was for good reason. The "bloody hell Hermione" i heard a few seconds later confirmed it was in fact good reason. With what seemed like troll situation under some form of control i decided to head back to the commen room.

Walking through the dark corridors of the school i heard a high pitched scream coming from the potions classroom. I popped my head round to see who it was and was greeted with the image of a terrified Fred infront of a second troll. I would have usually carried on and left him but for some reason without thinking i shouted

The troll was slightly dazed and stumbled before falling to the ground.
"You okay weasley?" I asked as we walked away promptly.

"More like are you alright Ophelia" fred laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"For one you knocked out a troll that requires a hell of a lot of willpower and secondly and possibly the most concerning you saved me then asked if I was okay"

"Bloody hell I was just asking. Fine i wont ask again"

Fred smirked. "It wouldnt kill you to smile every once in a while Philly you know"

I came to a sudden pause "what did you just call me"

"Oh well Ophelia is quite the chore to say so I shortened it, originally to oph but then I thought of oaf and I definitely do not want to get on your wrong side, so yeah philly"
He paused looking at Ophelia.
"Ofcourse if you would prefer Oph we can go with it"

"Phillys fine" i smiled at him before walking away.
Fred's POV

Fred couldnt get his head around her. He could tell she liked being around him and his brother yet refused to admit it. Now more then ever as a result of Draco joining Hogwarts. Truth was Fred had grown rather fond of Ophelia over the two years previous as they hung out a lot.

He understood her family situation wasnt the easiest but he longed for nothing more then to see her smile. Since they had returned to Hogwarts for their third year Fred hadnt see Ophelia laugh once. This hurt him. He decided from then on it was his mission to make her laugh.

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