Diary Entry # 5

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Dear Diary,

In the couple of months since my last entry, I've been making splendid progress. I have successfully used my lessons in class to gain friends both in and out of school, I have stolen the relics and hidden them in the catacombs under the school library, and Headmare Twilight trusts me as her friendship assistant more and more by the day. Tirek and I have decided to carry out our operation at the end of the school year, where I will have the most knowledge about friendship. That's only a couple of weeks away. Neither of us can wait until the headmare and her friends are trapped in Tartarus, and I harness the magic of the artifacts to steal all magic in Equestria. I can feel my heart racing just thinking about it.

My only setback is that I am unable to drive Sandbar, Yona, Gallus, Smolder, Silverstream, and Ocellus apart. I tried to get them to doubt each other while they were studying so that they would break up as a group, but the Tree of Harmony interfered from under the school library and strengthened their bonds as friends. This was very disappointing, but at the same time, this led me to discover the catacombs that are perfect for using the relics in secret. I feel I should thank that stupid tree, but it's not worth my time - leastways, not when I can use that time to be with Button.

Speaking of my adorable knight, I've been spending more time together with Button than Sweetie Belle. The school year is ending for them too, and Ms. Cheerilee has been giving them lots of homework for the rest of the semester, so the Crusaders are spending their time after school worrying about essays and tests. But not Button. Oh, no. He has more productive things to do than to worry about something like schoolwork that will mean nothing when I rise to power. He has returned his focus to his games of annihilation, and I am there to cheer him on.

It's a relief to see him strengthening his minions and destroying spaceships again. He was spending so much time playing that ridiculous racing game with Sweetie Belle during the first couple of months of the semester that I was afraid that he was going to change into a different boy than the one I fell in love with. He still hasn't killed that repulsive minotaur in that one particular game, but I encourage him to keep trying.

On that note, I'm happy to say that I just had the best day of my life with Button today. I got off early with helping Headmare Twilight after class, and I decided to see if I could spend some extra time with Button. I flew through Ponyville in the direction of Button's house, wondering if we could play games together while Sweetie Belle was wasting her time with schoolwork. But along the way, I found him playing that arcade game, trying to take down a giant spaceship. Button was struggling with fighting the "boss" because it was shooting so many red dots at his spaceship that it was difficult for him to dodge and shoot at the same time. Sadly, I wasn't watching for very long before a dot touched his spaceship's wing, and it blew up.

Poor Button was crying hysterically as the words "game over" appeared on the screen. I was quick to step in and wrap my leg around him, telling him that it was okay. He whined about how he has tried to take down the "mothership" countless times and said he would never destroy it. I tried to encourage him, saying that he would, but my poor knight wouldn't listen. That's when I remembered that I have been practicing with that game and asked if I could help, seeing this as my chance to impress him. He immediately cheered up and accepted my offer before we each put a bit into a slot.

I'm proud to say that playing the game with Button went much better than last time. Together, we mowed down the enemy spacecraft like the insects they were with ease. It wasn't long before we made it past level 3, which was as far I got on my own. The enemies in levels 4 and 5 were much more durable, but Button was there to help me destroy them. Finally, the mothership appeared, and since we still had all of our "lives," we were sure that we would win with ease. Or so I thought.

Button and I started hitting the buttons as though our lives depended on it, but it was hard to focus on firing at the mothership while it was fighting back. We were half a minute into the battle when my first spaceship blew up, and Button told me to focus on the pattern in where our enemy was shooting at us, and his advice helped me stay alive longer. We were doing fine from there until the mothership started glowing red and fired more dots at us than before, making it even harder to dodge. I began to panic before a red dot hit my second spaceship, and Button lost his first one seconds later. He was biting his lip and slamming the fire button faster than before. I stopped firing and just focused on dodging to keep my last spaceship alive while Button attacked, but then his second ship was destroyed, leaving me with no other choice but to keep fighting while we both only had one life left. After another minute, my last spaceship blew up, and my heart sank, but Button kept firing for three more seconds before the mothership was destroyed.

Button and I were cheering at the top of our lungs as the words, "congratulations," appeared on the screen. We laughed and hugged with tears of joy running down his cute face, and then we went to Sugarcube Corner to celebrate with some milkshakes before I walked him back to his house. Before he went inside, he gave me one more hug at the front door before he said that my help was just what he needed to win. My help. Not Sweetie Belle's, mine.

This wonderful day further proves how we are meant to be. I succeeded where Sweetie Belle didn't in making it that far into the game with Button. Sure, I lost my last spaceship before we won, but it was fitting that Button should be the one to finish his archenemy. Either way, we are the perfect team. This was our first major step that will lead to Button falling in love with me. With the friendships I will share with him and our love growing strong, we will be an unstoppable force. Nopony ever has or ever will have the tremendous power we will obtain. We would be a dyad in the powers of friendship and love.

Yes. A dyad. Two that are one. The very idea makes me giggle. How enjoyable it will also be when Sweetie Belle realizes she lost. I can already see her crying as I will probably have her locked up somewhere, tormented that she has no magic, no friends, and no Button. And the best part is I don't have to wait much longer. The next time I write an entry, I will officially be the Empress of Friendship, and Button and I will be starting our new life together.

Until that day,

Cozy Glow

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