Diary Entry #6

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Dear Diary,

I can't stand what has happened in the past few months. I was so close to achieving the ultimate power of friendship with Headmare Twilight and her friends locked away in Tartarus, nearly draining all magic in Equestria from existence and an army of friends under my command. I even trapped Sweetie Belle and her friends in a closet to keep them from disturbing my plans. But just as I was moments away from winning, the Tree of Harmony interfered by giving that group of creatures to power to stop the ritual and ruin everything. If that wasn't bad enough, Twilight Sparkle and her friends somehow escaped Tartarus, and had me locked in there with Tirek. It was going so well before that stupid tree ruined everything. I feel like screaming again just thinking about it.

Now, this no doubt begs the question as to how I can be writing when I'm in Tartarus. Well, over the summer, Tirek and I were suddenly transported out of Tartarus to the underground lair of a ram named Grogar. He's trying to take down Princess Twilight and her friends by having us work together with Chrysalis, the former queen of the changelings. He tried to have King Sombra be a part of our team too, but he decided to conquer on his own and was eradicated into dust. It was disturbing to see it happen in Grogar's magic crystal eyeball thing, but Grogar used Sombra's defeat as a warning for the rest of us to work together. I'm on board as the should-be Empress of Friendship, but Tirek and Chrysalis are as stubborn as a pack of mules.

But I'm getting off-topic. The point is I've been getting lonely in Grogar's lair, and I've needed to write about everything that has happened months before he freed Tirek and me. Fortunately, with Tirek and Chrysalis brooding in different parts of the lair with no interest in seeing me, and Grogar always focused on his crystal eyeball, I was able to sneak away back to Ponyville to retrieve my things from school including you, Diary. And it's a relief I did too because I've been going insane with not being able to express my thoughts privately anymore. I hate being stuck here almost as much as I hated being locked away in Tartarus. I miss having friends that would do anything for me. I miss having the power to steal magic. I miss my plastic tiara. Most of all, I miss Button.

My poor sweet Button. Every waking moment I worry about him. Even when I was trying to be friends with Tirek in Tartarus, my heart ached from being so far away from him. I've often imagined how the princess, her friends, and especially that irritating Sweetie Belle has poisoned his mind with twisted tales about me. Sure, I was stealing all of the magic in Equestria, but that shouldn't worry him. He's an earth pony. Why should he take the word of my unicorn rival and a group of ponies who rely on magic to stop countless threats? If they hadn't stopped me, Button would have learned how I would have given him so much more than magic. I can see him locked in his room, crying his heart out because he thinks he lost his very first friend and one true love forever.

Don't worry, my dearest knight. We won't be apart forever. Grogar has an intimidating presence that even scares Tirek and Chrysalis, but he is right that defeating Princess Twilight and her friends are the key. And when the deed is done, I will dispose of my comrades, and come off a reformed hero to all of Equestria. Every pony will adore me, and you will give your love to me. You won't even care about the next time I lock Sweetie Belle and her friends in a closet again, or better yet, banish them to Tartarus. There is still hope for our dreams to come true.

I love Button so much, Diary. Even if all the magic in the world is against me, it won't stop me from securing his heart any more than it will prevent me from obtaining my kingdom. I waited the whole school year to get what I deserve. I can wait a little longer. This I swear by my future throne.


Cozy Glow

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