camping part 2

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After the tents got put up we searched for some water for the morning. Me and Chris went since the others were getting stuff ready.
We walked down the dark path with just tree's and tree's.
"Try listening for water" Chris said running down the path.
"Ok I hear some over here" I said running with him.
Finally we found some water, I was very thirsty!
We grabbed a water jug and filled it up.
*Iphone ringtone*
Jimmy: Found any water? It's getting dark.
Me: Yes we did we will start waking right now.
"Jimmy is worried huh" Chris giggled.
"Yeah, come on follow me!" I said pulling Chris with me.
" Wow slow down!" He said laughing.
"Here!" I said running to Jimmy.
"Thanks for finding water guys!" Jimmy said taking the water to store away.

Time pass hehe

Around 11 P.M we got ready for bed.
"Goodnight guys!" Garrett said as he got in the tent.
"I'mma hit the hay" Jimmy said giving me a kiss on the cheek.
It was me, Chris, Chandler, and Jake the cameras were off so I asked somthing.
"Who is Maddie?" I asked Chris.
"Maddie cheated on Jimmy with Logan paul so they broke up" Chris said as he though sticks into the fire.
"O ok cause he got a tweet in his phone this morning from her" I said showing him the message.
"Uhhh I hate her!" Jake said as he read the tweet.
"I think we all do" Chandler said as he stared into the fire.
"Your way better then that bitch maddie" he said giving me Jimmy's phone back.
I just smiled and looked through Jimmy's phone some more cause I'm like that hehe.
After a hour of looking I put his phone on the portable charger that didn't need a outlet.
Jake and chandler went to bed. It was just me and Chris so I took a selfie and posted it saying "New video coming!" After a hour of talking of talking to Chris I went in the tent with Jimmy and wondered how they slept when a bear could come at any time!

I woke up hearing.
"Goodmorning guys! We have 13 more hours to go lucky!" Jimmy said saying right by my ear.
I woke up and huged Jimmy tight. He stoped flimming.
"How was your sleep you huged me all night long" he said putting the camera down.
I just blushed.
"Come follow me!" I said pulling him with me.
He giggled and said ok.
At least 5 mintues of running I gave him a knife I said to put J.
"Ok" he said craving J
"Now I put (what ever your first letter of your name is)
I put a plus sign and a heart.
"And now we take a picture of this" I said.
"Awww!" He said grabbing my waist.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to camp to wake the others.
"EEEEEEEEEE" We screamed.
"What the fuck!?"Chris said running out.
We had to blur that part out lmao.
Garrett, Jake and Chandler came running out.
"Whats going on?" Garrett said running.
"Nothing you lazy boys slept in to long" Jimmy giggled.
I laughed so did everyone.
"8 hours left" Chris said
I thought in my head what I should do for content cause this got boring af.
Time pass

Finally 8 hour's was up, we walked into the car and justed relaxed. We were really tired.

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