66 || Forever

543 32 4

Matt woke up to an empty bed making him frown. He liked around to see if Harry was in the bathroom but the door was open so he got up from bed and made his way inside to do his morning routine before going in search of his husband. The house was oddly silent but it was no surprise seeing as it was only seven thirty in the morning and the kids don't get for another hour.

"Harry?" Matt called out to his husband as he climbed down the stairs before making his way into the main hall just as he heard music coming from the kitchen as well as the delicious smell of bacon, pancakes, and coffee.

Harry looked up just as Matt walked in and smiled

"Hey, you're up early," Matt said and Harry hummed, "why?"

"Well I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed but you beat me to it" Harry stated as he pointed to a stray that had cut fruit, eggs, bacon, and toast as well as a cup of freshly brewed coffee on,

"I'm sorry" Matt replied feeling bummed for ruining Harry's surprise

"Don't be babe, well just have to do with this now" Harry stated as he grabbed the tray, "now come along love, we gotta enjoy the next half hour as much as we can before our little terrors wake up"

"Don't call them that" Matt chastised but had a smile on his face as he followed Harry into the living room and sat beside him once he had set the tat filled with food on the coffee table, "by the way, happy anniversary"

Harry looked up with a smile before leaving over and giving Matt a soft kiss on the lips, "happy anniversary. Now let's eat" he stated once they pulled apart and Matt nodded before grabbing his cup of coffee and a piece of toast of the table and taking a bite all the while ignoring the fact that Harry was looking at him which made his face heat up with a blush

"What?" He finally asked turning to his weird-acting husband

"Nothing, can't I just admire the man I'm married to?" Harry questioned tilting his head to the side and making Matt roll his eyes and shake his head

"You're such a weirdo" he mumbled before finishing his foo making Harry chuckle

"I'll take that" Harry said when Matt was about to stand up, "you relax and I'll be back in a sec" without waiting for Matt to argue, Harry left the living room with the empty plates stalked up on the tray before putting them all into the dishwasher. He reached towards the drawer that Matt barely opened and pulls out the small gift that he had bought for Matt along with the card before going back to him with both items behind his back.

"What are you hiding?" Matt asked as soon as he saw Harry return to the room with his hands behind his back

"Close your eyes," Harry said instead of ignoring Matt's glare

"What did I say about gifts?" He asked

"Just close your eyes" Harry repeated and he huffed but did as asked, "and extend a handout

"I swear Harry if you got me something again after I said I didn't do anything I'm going to punch you"

"No you won't" Harry retaliated knowing full well that Matt would hit him, "open your eyes"

"Har-" Matt began when he saw the box and card but Harry cut him off

"Don't say anything just read the card then open the box" Matt gave him an annoyed look but took the card from its envelope before opening it. Harry didn't need to hear the words on the card as he memorized each word by heart.

I love you.

Two years ago today, on a beautiful sunny day in October, I promised to spend the rest of my life with you.  I promised to love you during good times and bad, when we're struggling and when we're flourishing when you're at your worst and when you're at your best.  I promised to have you and to hold you until my dying breath.  I promised.  And I promise again.

Forgive me for the times when I haven't been patient; when I've snapped at you or gotten frustrated. Forgive me for when I haven't been kind; when my tongue has been quicker and sharper than my head or my heart.

Forgive me for the times when I celebrate my victories over you; when I proudly say "I'm always right" and forget to be humble. Forgive me for those times when I've been rude and please forgive me for the many times when I've been selfish; when I have sought love instead of offering it.

And, oh my love, forgive me for those times when I get angry quickly and for the times that I let that anger fester and let the anger grow bigger and bitter.

Finally, forgive me when I don't spend every last breath protecting the man that you are when I don't trust you with all that I have, and for the times that I look to the future with worry instead of with hope.  I need your forgiveness for these, and for all the future times that I have and will fail and break my promise to you.

Thank you for helping me understand the beauty of love.  Beauty is precious and comes from hard work.  I am always amazed at how little people understand the word love.  Our world today mistakes love for a feeling. But that is not love.  No, Matt, my love for you is colored with feelings but it is rooted in action.  A color photograph is nice, but a black-and-white one has a charm all of its own.

Each day I forget how to love you and have to teach it to myself all over again.  Love is not easy. I want to sit back and let love happen to me, which is selfish and therefore the antithesis of love. But together we learn to love each other, each new day. Thank you for being on this journey with me. And thank you for trying to love me too

People are always quick to say I love you because. I don't love you because of anything. I just love you.

If you stopped making me laugh tomorrow, I would still love you. If you stopped being such an awesome Dad, I would still love you. If you stopped taking care of your family, I would still love you. If you stopped being kind and caring and loving and supportive, I would still love you. Because that's just it – there is no because apart from this: I love you because I choose to; because I see the special person that God created to be loved.  You are so worthy to be loved, for no other reason but that you are.  And I am so thankful to be the person whose job it is to love you.

Yours always and forever, Harry

By the time Matt had finished the note he had tears rolling down his cheeks, Harry was a little worried but before he could say anything Matt had thrown himself into his arms and kissed him and Harry could taste the tears in the kiss but he didn't mind it at all instead he pulled Matt even closer to him and kissed him with as much emotion as he could before pulling back.

"I hate you for always making me cry" Matt grumbled and Harry smiled wiping the tears away just as he was about to reply a loud cry came through the baby monitors and smiled

"Looks like our quiet time is over," he said instead and Matt grinned before they both stood up and made their way towards the stairs and down the hall towards the towns and Levi's rooms.

I Get To Love You [ShumDario]Where stories live. Discover now