Dear Bubbles,
Haven't heard from Ron in a little bit but i suspect that they are hiding from the Dark Lord.
Who knows where they are, just hope they are safe.
Seems that after all we have finally gotten Zoey and Fred together, yeah Bubbles it only took a whole war but hey at least they made it like we did.
Truly i believe that i met my soulmate on that train ride to Hogwarts, the girl with tape on her fingers, even when i'm long and gone i will never forget your name Riley Adams, i hope one day i can change that name to Riley Weasley, if you'd like of course.with all my love, George
Dear George,
RomanceDear George, Now don't be silly Georgie, you know i will always love you. No but seriously stop writing me letters during class, Snape is going to take away points from you and i wouldn't want that. Your love always, Bubbles