Bentley and Beaumont

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There was no explaining the irritation that envelopes Alexandra the following weeks.

"Really, there's no need to do that."

Alexandra grumbled under her breath as she watched a taster test her food as she sat inside her bedroom in Grove Castle. Lately, by decree of the Parliament and her father, she was not allowed to be left alone or even go out for a simple ice cream. Although a part of her understands the overprotection imposed on her, she had gotten bored and irritated by the third week.

She just wanted some peace and quiet especially after Harry left.

There's still no clue who would have wanted her dead. Both Aurelia and Katrina are sent off to one of the Beaumont's properties off the capital under the pretense of protection but Alexandra knew that it was not even about that- her father didn't want them anywhere near her.

"I can't stand this anymore." Alexandra said as she barged inside her father's office one afternoon after she had become annoyed at the fact that she couldn't even get to the Greenhouse without 10 RPO's following her. "I haven't gone out in weeks and I still have to be followed around the castle like some prisoner."

"Alex.." King Arthur sighed tiredly. The past weeks, he had been trying his best to at least find a lead on who would want to hurt his daughter. He could not risk his daughter's life if he has a say on it. "Just bear with it for a little while more."

The princess had plopped herself on the seat in front of her father's table; her hand crossing in front of her chest with a huff. "I'm so God damn bored."

"Alex, language. Please."

Free from all scrutiny, Queen Aurelia of Syldonia entered the wrought iron gates of a very familiar manor. "What?" she sneered at one of the maids who looked at her in horror as she entered the front doors. The she barked, "Where is he?"

"T-t-the office, ma'am." The maid answered.

The manor almost resembled a castle. Although it's smaller in size, its extravagance almost rivals those in Grove Castle with its marble floors, lush carpets, expensive furniture and vintage paintings that adorned its inside.

As soon as she entered the office, the smell of tobacco hit her. However repulsive it smells, it is familiar and comforting for her. "Papa." She greeted the aged man that resembled her who sat behind the mahogany table talking to another blonde man dressed in an all black suit. She would recognize that man anywhere. "Lucius." She greeted the man curtly.

"Aurelia." Lucius greeted back on the same tone of disregard.

"What a failure of a job you've done." Aurelia told Lucius bluntly as she stepped closer to the pair. "Haven't even killed off the leech Dormer." She continued leering towards the blonde man.

Lucius scoffed, "You're doing an awful job yourself being thrown off the castle."

Aurelia grimaced, "Just a hitch."

"Not until he divorces you it won't be just a hitch-"

"-he won't." She hissed.

"Stop it, you two." Craig Bentley barked at the bickering two before him. "You both are a disgrace! I haven't spent almost a decade planning the downfall of the Beaumonts just for the two of you to fail!" he roared making the two look down at the floor. "And your daughter-" he sneered towards Aurelia obviously talking about Katrina. "-should keep her bloody legs and blabbing mouth closed."

Aurelia opened her mouth to defend her daughter but quickly stopped at the withering look her father gave her.

"Tatiana was an easy kill." The eldest Bentley scoffed leaning back on his chair before taking a puff off his tobacco. "I should have killed off the heir first." He continued out in thought before sending a glance at the smiling picture of Alexandra Darcy on the front page of the newspaper on his table.

By The Ruins (Prince Harry Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now