Scarecrow/hayseed (male)

530 9 6

Masturbation, Peeking/Stalking kink

Mako towered over your form with a glare staring you down.
"I promise I won't go in the storage shed." You said, a hint of fear making your words waver a little. The large man squinted his eyes, as if searching through your brain to make sure you were telling the absolute truth.

"I'll be back by sunset. Don't. Screw. Up. Again." The large man said with a thick finger pointed to you before walking to the truck. The creak of the door signaling the many days of hard labor before the crack and slam of the door shutting. The old thing started with a sputter before it drives past you and down the dirt road. The produce of corn, pumpkins and beans jostled about in the back of the pickup truck as it drove over the hill. Disappearing past the gates and down the highway road.

It was the only job that took you in, a helping hand to a farmer. But luckily for you, the benefits were more than most jobs. A room to allow you to live on the farm and delicious food were cooked for you. Basically getting a home with your job. Mako, the owner of the farm, said he lived on the farm for years but needed a new hand in the job when his back started to give out. For being a large, intimidating man, he was a big softy to you. Caring for you in anyway you needed. But those sweet gestures ended when you questioned about the shed in the back. You would always catch him sneaking off to the shed a few times in the day and at night. With such a thing, you wanted to know what was inside. Couldn't be an animal, you didn't hear anything from it and there was already a barn full of farm animals. He was so secretive of the shed and what was inside.

The last time you tried sneaking inside the wooden structure, he threatened you to losing the job. You couldn't quite see inside the structure, since it was pitch black outside. But even when you flashed your phone's flashlight through the many cracks and slits within the wooden walls, nothing could stand out in time for you to see anything. Being pulled away quickly by the farmer and warned about it. I mean, with such a story like that it made your skin itch to find out what it was all about.

But not at this moment, not when the Farmer could easily turn back around if he forgot something. So with the time being, you did your duties that you were assigned to. Turn the sprinkler system on, clean up the barn, feed the animals and do the laundry. Simple things for a simple day.

By the time to pushed the button to the washing machine. And dump in the needed amount of detergent. You closed the lid before hurrying outside. It was near sunset so there was still light that shined on the fields. And on the shed. Taking your steps carefully, you eyed down at the pad lock that dangled on the latch. Of course he would lock it. Why wouldn't he?

As you stood there to pander about what was inside, it seemed to speak for you. A few low noises sounded just beyond the wooden walls. Stepping closer, you slowly leaned against the door to hear better. Ticks and clicks sounded from inside. Like something mechanical was on and it was moving about. Made you feel a little stupid to think it's just a storage shed with tools inside. But the farmer wouldn't be so secretive about tools. It had to be something else.

Listening for a few more minutes, there were movements and the sounded of a cloth being rustled with. A few more clicks sounded before a moan sudden echoed out. The sound sending you away from the door and your heart pounding against your ribs. With such a wide imagination and picked out sounds, your brain started to spot out ideas of what could be inside. A trapped person, a monster, an animal? It had to be a living thing if it made a noise such as that moan.

Standing there frozen, your ears hammered with your heart beat. Stepping back to the door once more, you pressed your ear back against the crack. Listening to the mechanical clicks and ticks once more. A few sounds of something squishy started to join in before another guttural moan. What could possibly be making that noise? Confusion and fear sticking to your brain, making your body move from the door once more. Taking your steps quietly to the side of the shed where there were more open slits and holes within wooden panels of the wall. Crouching down, you peeked inside one of the holes to see the room from within. At this time of day, the sunlight was able to be cast inside. Outlining shapes and colors just enough to show a good picture.

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