Found. (Male reader)

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    (Y/N) laid in the his favorite field of red roses, the wind brushed through him offering him some relaxation, and concentration in his thoughts. They were usually filled with the night of the massacre, it was a bit fuzzy but more clear the harder he thought about it.

    He gently picked up a blood red rose bringing it closer to his nose allowing him to smell it's sweetness, before he could get another smell he was interrupted by a strong presence of chakra. He quickly sat up and began concentrating on the spot, finally able to keep tract of it he got up but, it was gone. He turned around to be faced with a black robe the had red clouds, an Akatsuki robe.

    It was a female, she had apricot eyes and lilac purple hair that had a white paper flower with a tint of lavender. Her beautiful porcelain skin seemed to be peeling but, with paper.

    "I have finally found you, (Y/N) of the Uchiha clan." She spoke confidently yet, softly.

    "And who might you be? Akatsuki?" Y/N growled beginning to clench his fist, readying himself.

    She narrowed her eyes to the field of flowers then replied, "I am Konan. I have come from the Akatsuki to bring you back for it is my duty. I wouldn't resist if I were you."

    "And why is that? You think I would let you take me into your hell hole so easily?" Y/N hissed.

    She directed her eyes back to (Y/N)'s deep obsidian ones and said, "I am well aware that this will not be a easy task but, I'm positive you wouldn't wanna ruin these lovely roses.."

    (Y/N) shook his head knowing the Maiden was correct, "So? If you expect me to join, what's in if for me?"

"I can't guarantee any possibility that something will peek your interest but, if you were to join me then perhaps you might find something worth your while." She replied.

"Tch! And you want me to join? I don't think so.."

"I do not have no problem fighting you however, my origami will pierce the lovely flowers of this field and your strength will destroy the land with one hit. The choice is yours."

(Y/N) tightened the clench in his fist then loosened it up returning to his relaxed posture, "You do interest me, Konan-sama. Very well, I will join this lame ass Akatsuki."

Konan gave a faint smile causing the Uchiha to blush, her lovely skin stopped peeling and reverted to it's original self.

"Thank you for your cooperation and your interest in me, I hope the Akatsuki will live up to your expectations, young one."

    (Y/N) glared at her for a second before saying, "Young one? You do realize I'm around your age, right?"

Konan froze for a second then giggled quietly, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize since you're smaller than me."

(Y/N) flushed red then turned away, "J-Just start walking lady.."

The Maiden nodded and proceeded to walk having the male follow her.

~ Time skip ~

Second person POV

    You and Konan began heading into a dark looking place almost like a cave but, with a mixture of a house. The cave became brighter and brighter and you arrived in what seemed to be a living room..?

    "We would normally showcase our new members in our meeting area but, for today's occasion it's been switched up." Konan spoke walking to a room that had double doors.

    "Are we gonna go in there?" You asked.

You see her nod then say, "I would like to inform you that you're about to meet your leader so please, show some respect."

You nodded, squinting a bit, "Yeah, sure.."

Konan gave you a small smile and proceeded to open the door revealing an extremely large room, almost like a castle room but, darker and creepier. You see an orange-haired male sitting on a a throne with one leg over the other and his face leaning into his fist that rested on the arm of the throne.

You and the Maiden walked more into the room hearing the door close behind you the male stood up giving of immense chakra, and walking down from his throne to the both of you.

"The is our Leader, you will address him as Pein-sama and show him the utmost respect." Konan said as she stopped you from walking.

You looked up into the male's light purple eyes what seemed to have endless swirls, 'Rinnegan, huh?' You thought, knowing how strong the Kekkei Genkai was.

"Welcome to the Akatsuki, (Y/N) of the Uchiha clan. We hope to see your incredible abilities be put to good use." Pein spoke boldly looking down at you.

"I'm flattered with the compliment, Pein-sama." You smirked a bit.

"Konan, you didn't tell me he'd be so young." Pein said, stilling staring into your deep obsidian eyes.

The Lady walked up from behind Pein with a cloak in her hand and replied, "That's because he isn't, he's just quite smaller than males are supposed to be."

She smiled at you, handing the cloak as you grabbed it and pulled it on, "Isn't this a little too large?" You asked looking at the sleeves.

    "Well, considering how small you're. It might be a little bit too big." Konan giggled quietly, it was the cutest thing you've ever heard, you blushed but quickly turned away.

    "M-Moving on...where do I sleep?" You asked crossing your arms.

    "Konan, lead (Y/N) to his room, if you would. And don't forget to let him meet the new members." Pein requested turning away and walking back to his throne.

    She nodded and then smiled at you once more as she began to walk, having you tag along.

    "Can't wait to meet this other losers.." You groaned.

    "You might not wanna underestimate them, they're high ranking Shinobi's."

    "I suppose you're correct. Hey, Konan-sama, our leader, he kinda gives off a weird aura, what's up with that?" You questioned.

    "Ah yes, I forgotten you were a sensory type. I'll explain everything to you later but for the time being, I'll show you around and allow you to meet the members." She replied.

You nodded seeing her head turn back to you as you met her soft apricot eyes and she gave you another smile, you blushed once again and directed your attention to the floor, trying to deny the heat burning up in your face. 'This is gonna be one hell of an organization..' you thought.

To be continued...
(I hope this chapter didn't suck as much)

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