New kid in town (Male Reader pt2)

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You continued to follow Konan into the room you once walked into, the living room most likely.

    "I'm not sure if it's obvious enough but, this is our living room." She spoke.

    "It's big alright.." You said.

    She nodded and continued you walking to another room, "You're about to meet two of our first members, jokingly known as the zombie combo, be nice please." Konan requested giving a small frown before opening the door.

    "Hah?! Oh! It's the newbie! What's good?" Waved a male with slick back grey hair and violet eyes.

"Yo, what's good.." You waved back.

You saw another male sitting on a chair and he seemed to he counting money, he had what looked like stitches all over his body.

"Woah...the hell happened to you?" You asked staring at him.

The grey-haired male let out and cackle then spoke, "I know right? Damn this kid is funny, I'm Hidan and this old fucker is Kakuzu, what's your name?"

Konan flicked you on the head, "This little guy's name is, Uchiha (Y/N) I was hoping he would greet the other members with manners." She glared down at you.

"Heheh, sorry Konan-sama...nice to meet you, Hidan, Kakuzu. And by the way, I'm not a kid, I'm pretty sure I'm older than you." You growled.

"Woah okay, I think I like this kid. Hope to see your small ass around."

You rolled your eyes then stared at Kakuzu, waiting for him to speak, "You gonna keep staring at me? It's really a nuisance, brat."

You hissed, "I'll show you a nuisa—"

Konan pulled you back cutting you off and dragging you out the room, "Thank you for your time, Hidan, Kakuzu-san. We must be going.."

"H-Hey! I was gonna—"

"Hit him? Yeah I figured you'd would do that, that's exactly why we're moving on to our two artist." Konan said letting go of you, allowing you to get up and stop in front of another door.

"Now, these two have their ups and downs so try not to get mixed up in their feud."

She opened the door, "Oh, it's Konan-sama!" One of them called out, he had round eyes that were a pearly blue and golden-blonde hair that was pretty long.

"Sasori, Deidara, I would like you to meet Uchiha (Y/N)." Konan said turning to you.

"W-What?! Another Uchiha! I won't allow him to ruin my art! You can't ruin the moment, un! I've been practicing on being immune to your eyes!" He yelled pointing at you.

"Is he high..?" You asked tilting your head. 'Another Uchiha? Is there one here..? Or more alive..?' You thought to yourself.

"Don't mind him. The brat is just babbling off about his confusing art and how it was beaten with the eyes of an Uchiha." Said the red-head, he wore the cloak which seemed to be too big on him and his eyes were a reddish-grayish-brown. Their color was a bit confusing.

"The Blondie is Deidara and the other is Sasori." Konan said pointing at them.

"How old is this kid anyways? He's seem a bit too young.." Deidara asked, scowling at you.

"I'm not a kid. I know for a fact I'm older than you. You look like a teenager.." You shot back.

"I'll have you know I'm nineteen, brat!" He growled back.

"Wow, you're pretty young. I'm 34.." You grinned.

The younger male seemed to be lost in his words before saying, "Then I're small like, Danna.."

"Small? Peculiar thing to say." Sasori said, scowling at the blonde.

"We best get going before they start fighting." Konan suggested as she pushed you out the door, "Thank you for your time."

"Good thing to know I'm not the only one who gets pushed around for height around here." You chuckled.

"Worry less, no one would worry about your height once they witness your true power. Moving on to our next."

    You nodded as Konan proceeded to walk having you follow behind, she walked into a dimmed large room. You saw a person sitting beside the window.

"Is your partner present?" Konan asked the male.

"No. Must be out on a walk." The male replied.

"I figure this name will ring a bell, this young man goes by the name, Uchiha Itachi."

Your heart froze as your eyes widened and you clenched your fist, "I-I'm sorry, repeat that..?"

"Uchiha Itachi." She repeated coldly.

"That son of a bi"—

"(Y/N)! Please understand you mustn't go against your comrades, save this for another time."

"He. Ruined my life. He. Killed my parents. He. Took away my kin. He. Broke the hearts of all those dear to him and not to mention his own clan!" You growled.

Itachi sighed as he got up and turned to you, "You have every right to keep your hatred for me, yell at me, wish death upon me but, fighting nor violence will solve your problem."

"It sure did solve yours, huh?"

"You know nothing therefore you shouldn't speak so poorly when you don't even know the truth, it's pathetic."

"Don't try and change reality, you know what you did! But you don't even know why."

"That'll be a lie. What is reality if no one had the right eyes to face it?" He glared, "Your eyes see nothing."

"Oh yeah?  I'll tell you what I see, someone at fault and he can't even see it." You shot back.

Konan sighed, "(Y/N). I know this fight isn't my concern but, Itachi-san also went through some pain that night as well."

You scoffed as you turned around, "Itachi. You asked, 'what is reality if no one had the right eyes to face it?' Well then, here's a question for you. What is reality if no one had the right heart to see it?"

You felt him stare hard at you as if he was actually giving the question some thought. Konan gently grabbed your hand as she pulled you out of the room and closed the door.

"Konan-sama I"—

"I.. know. Losing someone and meeting their... cause, having to work with them isn't the best feeling." She chuckled, "But, I appreciate you not destroying the place so, I thank you." The Maiden smiled.

You felt your cheeks grow warm a bit as you looked away, "J-Jeez.. what's up with that..!?"

"Heheh, how about I show you to your room?"

"If you have a punching bag, I'll be more than happy to stay there."

Konan shook her head as she gave a pitiful expression to you, "I guess it can't be helped."

"I feel like that's an insult.." You glared.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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