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My cat is so cute! She can roll over; stand on hind legs and the most important thing she can follow me around. I've had her for 3 days now and she thinks that I am her mum! but that also means that I only have 7 days until my birthday/ my wedding. I can't wait but I wish time would slow down. luckily, I persuaded my father to move the ceremony to a day after my birthday! I wanted to do that so I could get two days of getting presents and I can stay and live in the castle for the rest of my life, with Caroline! Oh, I got a maid and she is so amazing! She can do almost everything, sewing, hair, dressing and so much more. I have a hunch; I think she is lesbian, but I don't know yet.  To be honest I really don't know anything about her! All I know is that she is cute.
I have this new dress for the ceremony, it is pinky purple with lots of accessories e.g: frills and nots and netting. I cannot wait to wear it; but it is a shame that I have to wear it at a marriage to a dufus who is a MAN!
I have dreams about marrying Caroline, it always ends with me being ripped away from her and every other girl in the world for life, and I wake up and she's there. That's all I need to feel better after a bad dream!
It is 6 days till the wedding. I cannot wait because it is the day that I am telling Caroline that I like her. I am doing this because, well I don't know why I am doing it I just guess I want to know if she likes me back. I wish there wasn't this stupid rule put on me like chains around my neck with the Gard as my fiancé, John. I do not know why I have to live with him and sleep with him in MY bed, I mean it Is just wrong to sleep with a guy.

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